Implementation of sediment module SEDI_MARS3DΒΆ
The implementation of this module requires to use the module substance (Summary for implementation MARS with substances) and complete :
- a new namelist file (namelist for sediment : parasedim.txt),
- the data file (variable.dat : Defined simulated substances), with sedimentlogic parameters for each particulate substance (Definition of parameters for particulate-sediment substances in variable.dat)
- and if necessary files defining the (Boundaries conditions) ; (Initial conditions) and (Initialization of sediment)
- and if necessary concentrations in inputs
This module creates output files for saving results in sediment. These file’s names are the same as those for results in water column, with the additional word “_sed_”. There are differant ways to save variables in sediment (Special writing of sand in water column and of all variables in sediment (with key_sedim)).
This module creates a restart file also “” (if l_saverestart_1file=.true.) or several restart file if l_saverestart_bydate=.true..
User can choose to use sediment with consolidation or not (Consolidation of sediment) (l_consolid =.TRUE. in parasedim.txt)
Dissolved variables are included in the sediment layer and can diffuse threw sediment-water interface if l_diffused=.true. in parasedim.txt (Diffusion within sediment and at interface)
User can choose to couple morphodynamic (Morphodynamic coupling) (l_morphocoupl =.TRUE. in parasedim.txt)
The coupling between the module SEDI-MARS and the module ECO-MARS is now possible in order to compute suspended matter in the water column taking account erosion and deposit processes, and also to follow biogeochemistry into the sediment with fluxes at interface water/sediment (Coupling SEDI-MARS (or MUSTANG) and ECO-MARS (or BLOOM))