Initialization of sedimentΒΆ
The sediment is defined initially by :
either with an uniform bottom sediment (if l_unised = .TRUE.), set in parasedim.txt (namelist for sediment : parasedim.txt)
- hseduni : initial uniform sediment thickness(m)
- cseduni : total initial sediment concentration
- ksmiuni : lower grid cell indices in the sediment
- ksmauni : upper grid cell indices in the sediment
- sini_sed : initial interstitial water uniform salinity
- tini_sed : initial interstitial water uniform temperature
- csed_mud_ini : mud concentration into initial sediment (if =0. ==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud)
- concentrations of each particulae variable will be give in variable.dat (Definition of parameters for particulate-sediment substances in variable.dat)
- If there is a mixing of sand and mud, the initial total sediment thickness is automatically adjusted according to selected parameters and initial concentrations chosen for each type of sediment.
either reading a saved file, issued from a previous run
- l_repsed must set to .TRUE. in parasedim.txt (namelist for sediment : parasedim.txt)
- and the name of the file to be read (file_repsed)
- either defined by the user from knowledges of facies or mud fraction ....
- In this case, user must write the program, dependent on his configuration and data.