CPP keys for module SEDI-MARS¶
- The CPP keys are using to compile only some parts of the code.
- They are to be entered in the file Makefile.datarmor.
Example :
CPPFLAGS = -Dkey_MPI_2D -Dkey_tide_fes2004 -Dkey_sflx_turb_default -Dkey_sflx_ir_swimbank -Dkey_sflx_solar_luyten -Dkey_dyn_adv_quick -Dkey_dyn_pg_djcs -Dkey_tssub_adv_ultimatequickestmacho -Dkey_tssub_wcompact -Dkey_parsub_wquickupwind -Dkey_substance -Dkey_biolo -Dkey_parsub_newdt -Dkey_subs_part_eqsubdt
We recall below the CPP keys commonly activated to use MARS and to simulate transported state variables, by adding sedimentological processes (SEDI-MARS) :
CPP Keys for transport of dissolved and particulate variables (other than salinity and temperature)¶
| *CPP keys* | *used to take into account or to choose* | *what it means for data and parameters* |
| **key_substance** | simulate several variables other than Temp and Sal | read variable.dat, outflow.dat et parasubs.txt |
| | | +concentrations file / input fluxes by rivers and discharges |
| | | read points.dat, vardiag.dat, subbudgetdomain.dat if needed |
| **key_tssub...** | choice of resolution schemes for | (already used to salinity and temperature) |
| | horizontal and vertical transport equations | |
| | for dissolved substances | |
| **key_parsub...** | for particulate substances | due to numerical problems associated with settling velocitiesi, one |
| | | can used different CPP keys for vert. transport of part. substances |
| **key_subs_part_eqsubdt**| used to group specific variables that have the | |
| | same settling velocity throughout the simulation | |
| | may save computing time | |
Additional CPP keys for SEDI-MARS¶
| *CPP keys* | used to take into account or to choose | what it means for data and parameters |
| **key_sedim** | activated module SEDI | read parasedim.txt |
| **key_sedim_mixsed** | choice of the option "mixsed" (recommended) | not always the same parameters for the two options |
| OR | | |
| **key_sedim_mudsand** | choice of the option "mudsand" | |
| **key_sand2D** | to treat sand as 2D variable | choice of l_sand2D for each sand variable in variable.dat |
| | (integrated on depth and set in bottom layer k=1) | choice of l_outsandrouse for each sand variable in variable.dat |
| **key_MUSTANG_flocmod** | to activate module floculation | read paraflocmod.txt |
| **key_sedim_partial** | used with key_biolo | :ref:`coupl_biolo_sedim` |
| | only constitutive particulate variables and Temp,Sal | settle in sediment |