Definition of available type of substances

Each simulated variable in MARS must be identified in a data file where its type is defined. There are 9 types of variables

  • Dissolved : type DISS

  • Particulate

    • either type GRAV (gravel) (use key_sedim..)
    • either type SAND (use key_sedim..)
    • either type MUDS (use key_sedim..)
    • either type PART
    • either type SORB
    • either type NoCP

Nota :

GRAV, SAND, MUDS, and PART are « constitutive » variables expressed in kg/m3 if you use key_sedim
SORB and NoCP are « non constitutive » variable, expressed in mass/m3, with the mass unit is choose by user
SORB is associated with a constitutive particulate variable et has the same particulate behavior.
  • Fixed : type FIX : not advected but submitted to biogeochemical reactions (such as algae, oysters ..)
  • Driving : type DRIV : not advected but forced (read from a file) in a subroutine writed by the user in usersubstance.F90
  • Intermediate : type INTE : not advected but computed (combination of other variables) in a subroutine writed by the user in usersubstance.F90

Definition of number and order (rank) of variables

  • The user defines all the variables in the file variable.dat but MARS places then the variables in a specific order : starting with the particulate variables (GRAV, SAND, MUD, PART, SORB, NoCP), then dissolved, then fixed, then intermediate variables.

Summary for implementation MARS with substances

namelist for substances : parasubs.txt

Definition of each variable is given into namelist file : See parasubs.txt : namelist for substances

| namelist     | variable                            |  CPPkey          |
|   namecosys  |   file_outflow                      |   key_substance  |
|              |   name_filesubs                     |                  |
|              |   filevardiag                       |                  |
|              |   date_startsub                     |                  |
|              |   l_restart_subs                    |                  |
|              |   l_obc_ogcm_rc                     |                  |
|              |   file_obc_subs_s (_n;_w ; _e)      |                  |
|              |   l_out_log                         |                  |
|              |   l_cvrain_readfile                 |                  |
|              |   l_subflxatm_readfile              |                  |
|              |   sflx_sub_atm_depth                |                  |
|              |   l_subflxatm_xyt                   |                  |
|              |   file_flxatm_subs                  |                  |
|              |   l_bilan                           |                  |
|              |   name_bilfil                       |                  |
|              |   dtout_budget                      |                  |
|              |   nb_border                         |                  |
|              |   date_start_budget                 |                  |
|              |   l_driv-cst                        |                  |
|              |   dt_driv                           |                  |

variable.dat : Defined simulated substances

  • The name of the file variable.dat is set in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances (name_filesubs )
  • The variables are described one after the other, with a line of stars between each variable.
  • The unit of each variable must be defined in mass/m3 or mass/L (or quantity)
  • The order in which the variables are described in variable.dat is free, EXCEPT for sands that must be reported in a coarser to the finer.


Examples of variable data file are given in $HOMEMARS/../EXAMPLES/
For ECOMARS : option 1 : variable_biolo_opt1.dat - for option 2 : variable_biolo_opt2.dat.
For SEDIMARS : variable_sedim.dat


ATTENTION : This documentation corresponds to the newer version V10 (from V10.6)

variable.dat : Dissolved variable

|   ****************************************************  |   ****************************************************                               |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                        |
|   nitrate                                               |   name of variable (unique word)                                                     |
|   nitrate_NO3                                           |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format for gridded data products)                |
|   mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water            |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format for gridded data products)            |
|   micromoleN.l-1                                        |   unit of concentration of variable                                                  |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format for gridded data products       |
|   +100                                                  |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format for gridded data products       |
|   **DISS**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]               |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                      |
|   == if particulate variable : add 4 more lines         |                                                                                      |
|   == if state variable       : add 5 more lines         |                                                                                      |
|   0.000                                                 |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours             |
|   0.000                                                 |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                     |
|   0.000                                                 |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                      |
|   5.00000                                               |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                    |
|   10.00000                                              |   initial concentration in sediment ( /m3 of pore water if DISS)                     |
|   0.00                                                  |   initial concentration in air ( /m3 )                                               |
|   .true.                                                |   saving in output file                                                              |
|   none                                                  |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                |
|   none                                                  |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                               |
|   ****************************************************  |    ****************************************************                              |

variable.dat : Particulate variable : type GRAV

|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                              |
|   grav1                                                 |   name of variable (unique word)                                                           |
|   gravel                                                |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                                |
|   kg_concentration_of_grave_in_sea_water                |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                            |
|   kg.m-3                                                |   unit of concentration of variable                                                        |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   +100                                                  |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   **GRAV**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]                     |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                            |
|   == if GRAV variable : add 3 more lines                |                                                                                            |
|    0.00002                                              |   diameter of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                            |
|    10.                                                  |   critical stress of deposition (used only if key_sedim)                                   |
|    2600.                                                |   density of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                             |
|    == if state variable : add 6 more lines below        |                                                                                            |
|    0.000                                                |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours                   |
|    0.000                                                |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                           |
|    0.000                                                |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                            |
|    5.00000                                              |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                          |
|    10.00000                                             |   initial conc. in sediment (in fract if SAND,GRAV,MUDS,PART;/kg if SORB/NoCP)             |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in air                                                                     |
|    .true.                                               |   saving in output file                                                                    |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                      |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                                     |
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |

variable.dat : Particulate variable : type SAND (coarser first, then finer sands)

|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                              |
|   sand1                                                 |   name of variable (unique word)                                                           |
|   sand                                                  |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                                |
|   kg_concentration_of_sand_in_sea_water                 |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                            |
|   kg.m-3                                                |   unit of concentration of variable                                                        |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   +100                                                  |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   **SAND**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]                     |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                            |
|   .true.                                                |  TRUE if this sand variable is treated as 2D variable (used only if key_sand2D)            |
|   .true.                                                |  TRUE if using a ROUSE profil for output in water (only if key_sand2D and l_sand2D=T)      |
|   == if SAND variable : add 3 more lines                |                                                                                            |
|    0.00002                                              |   diameter of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                            |
|    10.                                                  |   critical stress of deposition (used only if key_sedim)                                   |
|    2600.                                                |   density of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                             |
|    == if state variable : add 6 more lines below        |                                                                                            |
|    0.000                                                |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours                   |
|    0.000                                                |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                           |
|    0.000                                                |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                            |
|    5.00000                                              |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                          |
|    10.00000                                             |   initial conc. in sediment (in fract if SAND,GRAV,MUDS,PART;/kg if SORB/NoCP)             |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in air                                                                     |
|    .true.                                               |   saving in output file                                                                    |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                      |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                                     |
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |

variable.dat : Particulate variable : type MUDS or PART

|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                              |
|   SPM                                                   |   name of variable (unique word)                                                           |
|   suspended_inorganic_particulate_matter                |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                                |
|   kg_concentration_of_SPM_in_sea_water                  |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                            |
|   kg.m-3                                                |   unit of concentration of variable                                                        |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   +1000                                                 |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   **MUDS**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]                     |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                            |
|   == if MUDS or PART variable : add 4 more lines        |                                                                                            |
|  0                                                      | choice of free settling formulation (0 constant, 1 Van Leussen, 2 Winterwerp, 3 Wolanski)  |
|  .00001,.00001,.001,1.2,0.0,0.0                         | min.setl.vel(m/s), max.setl.vel(m/s), + 4 additional parameters                            |
|  0                                                      | choice of hindered settling formulation (0 no , 1 Scott, 2 Winterwerp, 3 Wolanski)         |
|  .000,.00                                               | 2 additional parameters                                                                    |
|   0.00002                                               |   diameter of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                            |
|   10.                                                   |   critical stress of deposition (used only if key_sedim)                                   |
|   2600.                                                 |   density of particle (used only if key_sedim)                                             |
|     == if state variable : add 6 more lines below       |                                                                                            |
|    0.000                                                |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours                   |
|    0.000                                                |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                           |
|    0.000                                                |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                            |
|    5.00000                                              |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                          |
|    10.00000                                             |   initial conc. in sediment (in fract if SAND,GRAV,MUDS,PART;/kg if SORB/NoCP)             |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in air                                                                     |
|    .true.                                               |   saving in output file                                                                    |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                      |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                                     |
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |

variable.dat : Particulate variable : type SORB

  • Settling velocity : give the name of the associated constitutive particulate variable.
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                              |
|   sorbed_phosphate                                      |   name of variable (unique word)                                                           |
|   sorbed_phosphate                                      |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                                |
|   mole_concentration_of_sorbed_phosphate_in_sea_water   |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                            |
|   micromole.l-1                                         |   unit of concentration of variable                                                        |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   +100                                                  |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   **SORB**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]                     |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                            |
|   == if SORB variable : add 1 more                      |                                                                                            |
|   suspended_inorganic_particulate_matter                | name of constitutive particulate variable on which the SORB variable is sorbed             |
|     == if state variable : add 6 more lines below       |                                                                                            |
|    0.000                                                |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours                   |
|    0.000                                                |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                           |
|    0.000                                                |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                            |
|    5.00000                                              |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                          |
|    10.00000                                             |   initial conc. in sediment (in fract if SAND,GRAV,MUDS,PART;/kg if SORB/NoCP)             |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in air                                                                     |
|    .true.                                               |   saving in output file                                                                    |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                      |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                                     |
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |

variable.dat : Fixed variable or Driving or Intermediate variable

|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |
|   1                                                     |   number of variable (unused)                                                              |
|   cumulative_dinoflagellate_carbon_production           |   name of variable (unique word)                                                           |
|   cumulative_dinoflagellate_carbon_production           |   LONG_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                                |
|   cumulative_dinoflagellate_prod_expressed_as_carbon    |   STANDARD_NAME of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                            |
|   g.m-3_from_01jan                                      |   unit of concentration of variable                                                        |
|   -0                                                    |   minimum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   +1000000                                              |   maximum valid value of variable (NetCDF OCO format)                                      |
|   **FIXE**                                              |   type of variable [GRAV,SAND,MUDS,PART,SORB/NoCP,DISS,FIXE,DRIV,INTE]                     |
|   == if SAND variable : add 2 lines below               |                                                                                            |
|   == if particulate variable :                          |                                                                                            |
|   == if state variable : add 6 more lines below         |                                                                                            |
|    0.000                                                |   t90 (time after which 90% of rejected matter has disappeared) in hours                   |
|    0.000                                                |   uniform atmospheric deposition (unit/m2/s) (not used for FIXE)                           |
|    0.000                                                |   concentration in rainwater (unit/m3 of water)                                            |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)                                          |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in sediment (in fract if SAND,GRAV,MUDS,PART;/kg if SORB/NoCP)             |
|    0.00000                                              |   initial conc. in air                                                                     |
|    .true.                                               |   saving in output file                                                                    |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from initial conditions file                                      |
|    none                                                 |   name of substance read from boundary conditions file                                     |
|    **************************************************** |   *************************************************************************                |

Initial conditions

  • If l_initfromfile = .false. (in paraspec.txt ) : Initial concentrations of substances are uniform throughout the domain and equal to the value read in variable.dat file [initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)]
  • If l_initfromfile = .true. (in paraspec.txt ) and l_restart_sub=.true. (in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances ) : Initial concentrations of all substances are read in the file file_init defined in paraspec.txt
  • If l_initfromfile = .true. (in paraspec.txt ) and l_restart_sub=.false. (in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances ) : Initial concentrations of substances are read in the file file_init only for substances with the same name (« name of substance read from initial conditions file » in variable.dat ) as in the file_init. For the others (name=none in variable.dat), initial concentration is uniform and equal to the value read in variable.dat file [initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)]
  • If required, modify inittssub.F90 to initialize substances

Boundaries conditions

  • If l_obc_ogcm_rc = .false. (in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances ) :
    • concentrations of substances at boundaries are constant and equal to the initial value read in variable.dat file [initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)]
    • no obc file to read
  • If l_obc_ogcm_rc = .true. (in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances ) :
    • concentrations of substances at boundaries are read in files file_obc_subs_n (_s,_e,_w) only for substances with the same name (name of substance read from obc file in variable.dat ) as in the file_obc_subs. For the others (name=none in variable.dat), obc concentration is constant and equal to the initial value read in variable.dat file [initial concentration in water column (unit/m3)]
  • If using CPPkey
    : key_zerograd,
    • zero gradient condition can be applied for some variables, depending on the name given in variable.dat for “name of substance obc read from file”
      • for variables “none” : the OBC value for these variables will be constant and equal to the value given initial condition (in variable.dat)
      • for variables “zerograd” : the OBC value, when the current enter, is equal to the concentration downstream of the current (“zero gradient”) [example: west limit imin + 1: c (imin + 1) = c (imin + 2)]
      • for variables with the “name of variable obc” : the OBC concentration is read from the file if obc l_obc_ogcm_rc = .true. (Otherwise it will be the initial value)
    • and there is a relaxation time (the rate at which the boundary condition tends to the value prescribed for the limit depends on the obc_coefrel coefficient given in paraspec.txt. (Relaxation term in s-1).
      • If obc_coef rel = 0: boundaries concentrations are equal to the prescribed conditions (initial concentrations)
      • If obc_coefrel small: boundaries concentrations slowly tend to the prescribed conditions. Example: relaxation time of 10 days: obc_coefrel = 1 / 10j = 1.1e-6 s-1
      • If obc_coefrel great: the concentration limits tend rapidly to the prescribed conditions. Example: relaxation time of 1 hour: obc_coefrel = 1 / = 1h 2.8e-4 s-1
      • obc_coefrel should not be greater than 2 / dt

outflow.dat : Discharges fluxes or concentrations in rivers

  • The name of the file outflow.dat is set in parasubs.txt : namelist for substances (file_outflow)
  • Usualy, concentrations data are available in rivers, so river discharge is used jointly with tracer concentration to estimate the flux ; The exact name of the corresponding river must exist in river.dat file. (River Discharges : river.dat)
  • If the outflow is a small discharge, only fluxes data are available. In this case, the name of the river relative to the outflow is not used.

outflow.dat :

|   ****************************************************  |   ****************************************************                                     |
|    seine                                                |   name of outflow                                                                          |
|    .true.                                               |   location of outflow : i,j,k (.true.)/lon,lat,k (.false.)                                 |
|    142 45 12                                            |   location_i location_j location_k                                                         |
|    .false.                                              |   flux data (.true.) or concentration data (.false.)                                       |
|    seine                                                |   name of the river relative to the outflow (needed if concentration data)                 |
|    1                                                    |   number of advected tracer (unused)                                                       |
|    nitrate                                              |   first name of rejected tracer                                                            |
|    ../../inputs/concentrations/N-NO3-seine.dat          |   name of file describing the time evolution of the outflow                                |
|    2                                                    |   number of advected tracer (unused)                                                       |
|    silicium_dissous                                     |   name of second rejected tracer                                                           |
|    ../../inputs/concentrations/Si-seine.dat             |   name of file describing the time evolution of the outflow                                |
|   ****************************************************  |   ****************************************************                                     |

Fluxes or concentrations in atmospheric inputs

Some substances are present in the atmosphere and deposited on the sea surface via precipitation (wet deposition) and dry deposition.

  • Wet deposition is calculated from the concentrations of the substance given in the rainwater; the rainwater fluxes are known in the MARS model (weather forcing).
  • Dry deposition is given by a flux (masse/m^2/s).

Wet deposition data is given :

Dry deposition data is given :