namelist for sediment : parasedim.txt¶
- These namelists define sediment behaviour and manage sediment parameters.
- There are 2 namelist corresponding to the 2 options and 1 namelist for output
- the option sedim_mudsand is no longer maintained.
- Definition of each variable is given into the namelist file :
Namelist sedoutput :¶
variable Observations name_out_eptot=’EPTOT’name_out_nbniv=’NBNIV’name_out_dzs=’DZS FOND SURF’name_out_tenfon=’TENFON’name_out_tenfonc=’TENFONC’name_out_tenfonw=’TENFONW’riog_valid_min_eptot=0riog_valid_max_eptot=100riog_valid_min_nbniv=0riog_valid_max_nbniv=200riog_valid_min_dzs=0riog_valid_max_dzs=100riog_valid_min_tenfon=0riog_valid_max_tenfon=50riog_valid_max_tenfon=50choice_nivsed_outnk_nivsed_outep_nivsed_out(1 to 5)epmax_nivsed_out 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm)maximum thickness (mm)
Namelist namsedim : parameters for CPP key_sedim_mixsed only¶
variable Observations dzsmindzsmaxunil_dzsmaxunicsedminl_bathy_smoothingdt_seddtcal_seddate_start_sedl_repsedfilrepsedl_unisedl_initsed_vardissl_init_hsedz0sedunihsedunicseduniksmiuniksmaunisini_sedtini_sedcsed_mud_inicvolmaxsortcvolmaxmelcsed_mud_iniaref_sandactivlayerero_optionxexp_erofrmudcr2coef_frmudcr1x1toce_mud, x2toce_mudn_eros_sand, n_eros_mudE0_sand_optionE0_sand_paraE0_mudcorfluer1,corfluer2ero_optionxexp_erol_erolat_wet_cellslopefaccoef_erolatcoef_tenfon_lathtncrit_erosl_fricwavefricwavcfreshmudslopefacl_diffusedchoice_flxdiss_diffsedxdifs1,xdifs2xdifsi1,xdifsi2epdifil_bioturbxbioturbmaxxbioturbkdbiotu0dbiotumfrmud_db_minfrmud_db_maxl_consolidcmudcrxperm1,xperm2l_morphocouplMF minimum sediment layer thickness (m)uniforme max thickness for the superficial sediment layerset to .true. if dzsmax vary with spaceuser define (in sed_init) dzsmax valuesconcentration of the upper layer under which there isfusion with the underlying sediment cell.true. to apply bathymetric smoothing(only when l_morphocoupl .TRUE.)time step for dynamic processes in sediment(consolidation/diffusion/bioturbation)sub time step for dynamic processes in sediment(< or = dt_sed)starting date for dynamic processes in sedimentinitialization.true. if sed. variables initialized from a previous runfile from which the model is initialized.true. for a uniform bottom initializationset to .true. if initialization in sediment of diss.variables,Temp, Sal will be done with bottom water conc..true. to adjust sediment thickness to be coherent withsediment parameters ==> new hseduni based on cseduni,cvolmax values, and csed_ini of each sedimentuniform bed roughness (m)initial uniform sediment thickness(m)initial sediment concentrationlower grid cell indices in the sedimentupper grid cell indices in the sedimentinitial interstitial water uniform salinityinitial interstitial water uniform temperaturemud concentration into initial sediment (if =0.==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud)mixed sediments propertiesmaximum volumic concentration of sorted sandmaximum volumic concentration of mixed sedimentsmud conc. into initial sed. (if =0. ==> =cfreshmud)reference height above sediment,used sand depositused for sand extrapolation on water columnby default=0.02 correspond to Van Rijn experimentssedimentary behavior : erosionactive layer thickness (m)choice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mudsee Erosion Processused only if ero_option=3critical mud fract. underwhich the behavior is purely sandysuch that critical mud fract. underwhich sandy behaviourtoce = x1toce_mud*(relative mud concentration)**x2toce_mudchoice of formulation for E0_sand evaluationsee Erosion Processparametre for erosion flux for sanerosion flux for mudcorrection factors for erosion flux computationschoice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mud= 0 : pure mud behavior= 1 : linear interpolation between sand and mud behavior= 2 : formulation derived from that of J. Vareilles (2013)= 3 : formulations proposed by B. Mengual (2015)used only if ero_option=3 adjustment on exp. variation.true to take into account wet cells lateral erosionSlope effect multiplicative factor for sliding processslope effect multiplicative factor for erosionparameter for lateral stress evaluationcritical water height so as to prevent erosion under agiven thresholdoption wave effect in shear stress computationwave related friction factorsedimentary behavior : settlingprescribed fresh deposit concentration (kg/m3)slope effect on deposit (multiplicative factor)diffusion.true. if diffusion within sediment is accounted forchoice expression of diss. fluxes at sed-water interfacewithin sediment,diffusion=xdifs1*porosity**xdifs2at the water sediment interfacediff thickness in water at sed-water interfacebioturbationset to .true. si bioturbation diffusion in sedimentmax diffusion coeffient by bioturbation Db (in surface)slope for bioturbation coefficient between Dbmax and 0max depth beneath the sed. surface below which no bioturbsed. thickness wherein bioturb coefficient Db is constantmud fraction limit (min) below which there is no bioturbmud fraction limit (max) above which Db is max (muddy sed)consolidation.true. if sediment consolidation is accounted forcritical relative concentration of the surface layerabove which no mixing is allowed with the underlying sedpermeability=xperm1*d50*d50*voidration**xperm2morphodynamic..true. if morphodynamicmorphological factor : multiplication factor for morpho--logical evolutions, equivalent to a “time acceleration”
Definition of parameters for particulate-sediment substances in variable.dat¶
- particulate variables are defined in variable.dat : Defined simulated substances as :
- GRAV or SAND or MUDS or PART : constitutive variables (kg/m3)
- SORB or NoCP : non constitutive variables (X/m3)
For GRAV and SAND variables, only diameter of particles, critical stress of deposition and density of particle are given in variable.dat
- For MUDS, PART and NoCP
: settling velocity varies with time and space (Settling velocities : Modelling strategy) and 4 lines with 11 parameters are given in variable.dat
- 1 option for free velocity followed by 6 parameters
: minimum and maximum setling velocity (m/s) and :
- If ws_free_opt=0 (Ws constant) ==>> (1)=unused (2)= unused (3)=unused (4)=unused
- If ws_free_opt=1 (Van Leussen) ==>> (1)=c_factor (2)=c_exponent (3)=VL_a (4)=VL_b
- If ws_free_opt=2 (Winterwerp) ==>> (1)= Primary Particle Diameter (2)=aggregation factor (3)=breakup factor (4)=fractal dimension
- If ws_free_opt=3 (Wolanski) ==>> (1)= c_factor (2)=c_exponent (3)=unused (4)=unused
- 1 option for hindered velocity followed by 2 parameters :
- If ws_hind_opt=0 (no hindered settling) ==> (1)=unused (2)=unused
- If ws_hind_opt=1 (Scott) ==> (1)=phi_factor (2)=phi_exponent
- If ws_hind_opt=2 and ws_free_opt=2 (Winterwerp) ==> (1)=gel concentration (kg/m3) (2)=phi_exponent
- If ws_hind_opt=3 (Wolanski) ==> (1)=c_constant (2)=c_exponent
- diameter of particles, critical stress of deposition and density of particle are given after
For SORB variables, user must given the name of the associated constitutive particulate variable.
- Inital concentration in sediment is expressed as :
- gravel, sand, mud and PART : fraction of total initial sediment concentration (total=1)
- SORB (or NCSP) : unit/m3 of sediment
- DISS : unit of m3 of interstitial water
- For SAND variable only; 2 boolean are given in variable.dat :
- l_sand2D which is TRUE if this sand variable is treated as 2D variable (used only if key_sand2D)
- l_outsandrouse which is TRUE if you want to use a ROUSE profil reconstituted for output in water column (used only if ikey_sand2D and l_sand2D is TRUE for this variable)
Special writing of sand in water column and of all variables in sediment (with key_sedim)¶
Output sand variables in water column (if key_sandbottomcell & key_sedim_mixsed)¶
- If key_sandbottomcell is activated, sand variables with l_sandbottom =. TRUE. (in variable.dat) can be written in two different ways
- either l_outsandrouse=.FALSE. (in parasedim.txt): only the average value in the water column, determined in 2D by the model, is written at k = 1
- either l_outsandrouse=.TRUE. : a profile over the entire water column is artificially reconstructed from the calculated average value according to a Rouse profile.
Output variables in sediment¶
- There are 4 different ways to write variables in sediment.
- User chooses the option with parameters listed in namelist namsedoutput (parasedim.txt)
- choice_nivsed_out : 1,2 3 or 4
- nk_nivsed_out : number of saved sediment layers
- ep_nivsed_out (mm) : 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm), beginning with surface layer (choice 4). Last layer (6th) is an integrative layer.
- epmax_nivsed_out (mm) : maximum thickness (mm) for output each layers of sediment (choice 3). Below this thickness, output an integrative layer.