.. _doc.sedim.para: .. _doc_parasedim: **namelist for sediment** : **parasedim.txt** --------------------------------------------- * These namelists define sediment behaviour and manage sediment parameters. * There are 2 namelist corresponding to the 2 options and 1 namelist for output * the option **sedim_mudsand** is no longer maintained. * Definition of each variable is given into the namelist file : Namelist sedoutput : +++++++++++++++++++++ +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | variable | Observations | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | name_out_eptot='EPTOT' | | | | | name_out_nbniv='NBNIV' | | | | | name_out_dzs='DZS FOND SURF' | | | | | name_out_tenfon='TENFON' | | | | | name_out_tenfonc='TENFONC' | | | | | name_out_tenfonw='TENFONW' | | | | | riog_valid_min_eptot=0 | | | | | riog_valid_max_eptot=100 | | | | | riog_valid_min_nbniv=0 | | | | | riog_valid_max_nbniv=200 | | | | | riog_valid_min_dzs=0 | | | | | riog_valid_max_dzs=100 | | | | | riog_valid_min_tenfon=0 | | | | | riog_valid_max_tenfon=50 | | | | | riog_valid_max_tenfon=50 | | | | | choice_nivsed_out | | :ref:`sedim_output` | | | nk_nivsed_out | | | | | ep_nivsed_out(1 to 5) | | 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm) | | | epmax_nivsed_out | | maximum thickness (mm) | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ Namelist namsedim : parameters for CPP key_sedim_mixsed only +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | variable | Observations | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | dzsmin | | minimum sediment layer thickness (m) | | | dzsmaxuni | | uniforme max thickness for the superficial sediment layer | | | l_dzsmaxuni | | set to .true. if dzsmax vary with space | | | | | user define (in sed_init) dzsmax values | | | csedmin | | concentration of the upper layer under which there is | | | | | fusion with the underlying sediment cell | | | l_bathy_smoothing | | .true. to apply bathymetric smoothing | | | | | (only when l_morphocoupl .TRUE.) | | | dt_sed | | time step for dynamic processes in sediment | | | | | (consolidation/diffusion/bioturbation) | | | dtcal_sed | | sub time step for dynamic processes in sediment | | | | | (< or = dt_sed) | | | date_start_sed | | starting date for dynamic processes in sediment | | | | | **initialization** | | | l_repsed | | .true. if sed. variables initialized from a previous run | | | filrepsed | | file from which the model is initialized | | | l_unised | | .true. for a uniform bottom initialization | | | l_initsed_vardiss | | set to .true. if initialization in sediment of diss. | | | | | variables,Temp, Sal will be done with bottom water conc. | | | l_init_hsed | | .true. to adjust sediment thickness to be coherent with | | | | | sediment parameters ==> new hseduni based on cseduni, | | | | | cvolmax values, and csed_ini of each sediment | | | z0seduni | | uniform bed roughness (m) | | | hseduni | | initial uniform sediment thickness(m) | | | cseduni | | initial sediment concentration | | | ksmiuni | | lower grid cell indices in the sediment | | | ksmauni | | upper grid cell indices in the sediment | | | sini_sed | | initial interstitial water uniform salinity | | | tini_sed | | initial interstitial water uniform temperature | | | csed_mud_ini | | mud concentration into initial sediment (if =0. | | | | | ==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud) | | | | | **mixed sediments properties** | | | cvolmaxsort | | maximum volumic concentration of sorted sand | | | cvolmaxmel | | maximum volumic concentration of mixed sediments | | | csed_mud_ini | | mud conc. into initial sed. (if =0. ==> =cfreshmud) | | | aref_sand | | reference height above sediment,used sand deposit | | | | | used for sand extrapolation on water column | | | | | by default=0.02 correspond to Van Rijn experiments | | | | | **sedimentary behavior : erosion** | | | activlayer | | active layer thickness (m) | | | ero_option | | choice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mud | | | | | see :ref:`doc_erosion` | | | xexp_ero | | used only if ero_option=3 | | | frmudcr2 | | critical mud fract. underwhich the behavior is purely sandy| | | coef_frmudcr1 | | such that critical mud fract. underwhich sandy behaviour | | | x1toce_mud, x2toce_mud | | toce = x1toce_mud*(relative mud concentration)**x2toce_mud | | | n_eros_sand, n_eros_mud | | | | | E0_sand_option | | choice of formulation for E0_sand evaluation | | | | | see :ref:`doc_erosion` | | | E0_sand_para | | parametre for erosion flux for san | | | E0_mud | | erosion flux for mud | | | corfluer1,corfluer2 | | correction factors for erosion flux computations | | | ero_option | | choice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mud | | | | | = 0 : pure mud behavior | | | | | = 1 : linear interpolation between sand and mud behavior | | | | | = 2 : formulation derived from that of J. Vareilles (2013) | | | | | = 3 : formulations proposed by B. Mengual (2015) | | | xexp_ero | | used only if ero_option=3 adjustment on exp. variation | | | l_erolat_wet_cell | | .true to take into account wet cells lateral erosion | | | slopefac | | Slope effect multiplicative factor for sliding process | | | coef_erolat | | slope effect multiplicative factor for erosion | | | coef_tenfon_lat | | parameter for lateral stress evaluation | | | htncrit_eros | | critical water height so as to prevent erosion under a | | | | | given threshold | | | l_fricwave | | option wave effect in shear stress computation | | | fricwav | | wave related friction factor | | | | | **sedimentary behavior : settling** | | | cfreshmud | | prescribed fresh deposit concentration (kg/m3) | | | slopefac | | slope effect on deposit (multiplicative factor) | | | | | **diffusion** | | | l_diffused | | .true. if diffusion within sediment is accounted for | | | choice_flxdiss_diffsed | | choice expression of diss. fluxes at sed-water interface | | | | | see :ref:`doc_diffused` | | | xdifs1,xdifs2 | | within sediment,diffusion=xdifs1*porosity**xdifs2 | | | xdifsi1,xdifsi2 | | at the water sediment interface | | | epdifi | | diff thickness in water at sed-water interface | | | | | **bioturbation** | | | l_bioturb | | set to .true. si bioturbation diffusion in sediment | | | xbioturbmax | | max diffusion coeffient by bioturbation Db (in surface) | | | xbioturbk | | slope for bioturbation coefficient between Dbmax and 0 | | | dbiotu0 | | max depth beneath the sed. surface below which no bioturb | | | dbiotum | | sed. thickness wherein bioturb coefficient Db is constant | | | frmud_db_min | | mud fraction limit (min) below which there is no bioturb | | | frmud_db_max | | mud fraction limit (max) above which Db is max (muddy sed) | | | | | **consolidation** | | | l_consolid | | .true. if sediment consolidation is accounted for | | | cmudcr | | critical relative concentration of the surface layer | | | | | above which no mixing is allowed with the underlying sed | | | xperm1,xperm2 | | permeability=xperm1*d50*d50*voidration**xperm2 | | | | | **morphodynamic** | | | l_morphocoupl | | ..true. if morphodynamic | | | MF | | morphological factor : multiplication factor for morpho- | | | | | -logical evolutions, equivalent to a "time acceleration" | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _definition_parasubstancesed: Definition of parameters for particulate-sediment substances in **variable.dat** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * particulate variables are defined in :ref:`doc_variabledat` as : * GRAV or SAND or MUDS or PART : constitutive variables (kg/m3) * SORB or NoCP : non constitutive variables (X/m3) * For GRAV and SAND variables, only diameter of particles, critical stress of deposition and density of particle are given in *variable.dat* * For MUDS, PART and NoCP : settling velocity varies with time and space (:ref:`doc.sedim.ws`) and 4 lines with 11 parameters are given in *variable.dat* * 1 option for free velocity followed by 6 parameters : minimum and maximum setling velocity (m/s) and : * If ws_free_opt=0 (Ws constant) ==>> (1)=unused (2)= unused (3)=unused (4)=unused * If ws_free_opt=1 (Van Leussen) ==>> (1)=c_factor (2)=c_exponent (3)=VL_a (4)=VL_b * If ws_free_opt=2 (Winterwerp) ==>> (1)= Primary Particle Diameter (2)=aggregation factor (3)=breakup factor (4)=fractal dimension * If ws_free_opt=3 (Wolanski) ==>> (1)= c_factor (2)=c_exponent (3)=unused (4)=unused * 1 option for hindered velocity followed by 2 parameters : * If ws_hind_opt=0 (no hindered settling) ==> (1)=unused (2)=unused * If ws_hind_opt=1 (Scott) ==> (1)=phi_factor (2)=phi_exponent * If ws_hind_opt=2 and ws_free_opt=2 (Winterwerp) ==> (1)=gel concentration (kg/m3) (2)=phi_exponent * If ws_hind_opt=3 (Wolanski) ==> (1)=c_constant (2)=c_exponent * diameter of particles, critical stress of deposition and density of particle are given after * For SORB variables, user must given the name of the associated constitutive particulate variable. * **Inital concentration** in sediment is expressed as : * gravel, sand, mud and PART : fraction of total initial sediment concentration (total=1) * SORB (or NCSP) : unit/m3 of sediment * DISS : unit of m3 of interstitial water * For SAND variable only; 2 boolean are given in *variable.dat* : * *l_sand2D* which is TRUE if this sand variable is treated as 2D variable (used only if key_sand2D) * *l_outsandrouse* which is TRUE if you want to use a ROUSE profil reconstituted for output in water column (used only if ikey_sand2D and l_sand2D is TRUE for this variable) .. _sedim_output: Special writing of sand in water column and of all variables in sediment (with key_sedim) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Output sand variables in water column (*if key_sandbottomcell & key_sedim_mixsed*) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If **key_sandbottomcell** is activated, sand variables with **l_sandbottom =. TRUE.** (in variable.dat) can be written in two different ways * either **l_outsandrouse=.FALSE.** (in parasedim.txt): only the average value in the water column, determined in 2D by the model, is written at k = 1 * either **l_outsandrouse=.TRUE.** : a profile over the entire water column is artificially reconstructed from the calculated average value according to a *Rouse* profile. Output variables in sediment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * There are 4 different ways to write variables in sediment. .. image:: FIG/SEDIM/sedim_outputsed.jpg * User chooses the option with parameters listed in **namelist namsedoutput** (parasedim.txt) * choice_nivsed_out : 1,2 3 or 4 * nk_nivsed_out : number of saved sediment layers * ep_nivsed_out (mm) : 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm), beginning with surface layer (choice 4). Last layer (6th) is an integrative layer. * epmax_nivsed_out (mm) : maximum thickness (mm) for output each layers of sediment (choice 3). Below this thickness, output an integrative layer.