namelists for sediment - module MUSTANG¶
- namelists for sediment define sediment behaviour and manage sediment parameters.
- There are 2 files of namelists corresponding to the 2 versions, where namelists are a little different
- Version 1 : : para_MUSTANGV1.txt
- Version 2 : : para_MUSTANGV2.txt
- there are several namelists related to the different processes.
- Only namelists of para_MUSTANGV2.txt are listed here.
- namsedim_init : Namelist relative to sediment initialization
- namsedim_layer : Namelist relative to sediment layers characterization
- namsedim_bottomstress : Namelist relative to bottom shear stress
- namsedim_deposition : Namelist relative to sediment deposition
- namsedim_erosion : Namelist relative to sediment erosion
- namsedim_poro : Namelist relative to porosity estimation (version V2 only)
- namsedim_bedload : Namelist relative to sediment bedload (version V2 only)
- namsedim_lateral_erosion : Namelist relative to lateral sediment erosion
- namsedim_consolidation : relative to sediment consolidation
- namsedim_diffusion : relative to dissolved diffusion in sediment
- namsedim_bioturb : relative to bioturbation in sediment
- namsedim_morpho : relative to morphodynamic
- namoutput : relative to OUTPUT in sediment
- namsedim_debug : parameters relative to debug MUSTANG V2 (if key_MUSTANG_debug) (version V2 only)
- namflocmod : parameters using for FLOCMOD module (only if key_MUSTANG_flocmod)
namsedim_init : Namelist relative to sediment initialization¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| date_start_dyninsed | | starting date for dynamic processes in sediment |
| l_repsed | .false. | .true. if sed. variables initialized from a previous run |
| filrepsed | | file from which the model is initialized |
| l_initsed_vardiss | .true. | set to .true. if initialization in sediment of diss. variables, |
| | | Temp, Sal will be done with bottom water conc. |
| l_unised | .true. | .true. for a uniform bottom initialization |
| l_z0seduni | .true. | .true. if z0sed uniform (not vary with space) |
| z0seduni | 0.0035 | uniform bed roughness (m) |
| hseduni | | initial uniform sediment thickness(m) |
| cseduni | | initial sediment concentration |
| l_init_hsed | .false. | .true. to adjust sediment thickness to be coherent with sediment parameters |
| | | ==> new hseduni based on cseduni,cvolmax values, and csed_ini of each sediment |
| csed_mud_ini | | mud concentration into initial sediment (if =0. ==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud) |
| ksmiuni,ksmauni | | lower and upper grid cell indices in the sediment |
| sini_sed | 35.5 | initial interstitial water uniform salinity |
| tini_sed | 10. | initial interstitial water uniform temperature |
| poro_mud_ini | | initial porosity of mud fraction |
namsedim_layer : Namelist relative to sediment layers characterization¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_dzsminuni | .false. | .true. if dzsmin vary with space (not used) |
| dzsminuni | 1.e-6 | minimum sediment layer thickness (m) (uniform) |
| l_dzsmaxuni | .true. | set to .true. if dzsmax vary with space |
| dzsmaxuni | | uniform maximum thickness for the superficial sediment layer (m) |
| | | must be >0 if l_dzsmaxuni=.TRUE. |
| | | or if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.FALSE. |
| | | or if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.TRUE. but dzsmax not present in filerepsed |
| | | must be =0 if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.TRUE. and dzsmax readed in filerepsed |
| dzsmax_bottom | 0.1 | maximum thickness of bottom layers which result from the fusion when ksdmax is exceeded |
| nlayer_surf_sed | | number of layers below the sediment surface that can not be melted (max thickness=dzsmax) |
| k1HW97 | 0.07 | parameter for active layer thickness estimation (Harris and Wiberg, 1997) |
| k2HW97 | 6.0 | parameter for active layer thickness estimation (Harris and Wiberg, 1997) |
| fusion_para_activlayer | 1. | Criterion cohesiveness for fusion in active layer |
| | | = 0 : no fusion |
| | | = 1 : frmudcr1 |
| | | > 1 : between frmudcr1 & frmudcr2 |
namsedim_bottomstress : Namelist relative to bottom shear stress¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_fricwav | .true. | boolean set to .true. if using wave related friction factor for bottom shear stress |
| fricwav | 0.06 | wave related friction factor (used for bottom shear stress computation) |
namsedim_deposition : Namelist relative to sediment deposition¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| cfreshmud | | prescribed fresh deposit concentration (kg/m3) |
| | | (must be around 100 if consolidation or higher (300-500 if no consolidation) |
| csedmin | 30. | concentration of the upper layer under which there is fusion with the underlying sediment cell |
| slopefac | 0.01 | Slope effect multiplicative factor for sliding process |
| cmudcr | 600. | critical relative concentration of the surface layer |
| | | above which no mixing is allowed with the underlying sed |
| aref_sand | 0.02 | Reference height above sediment, used for computing of sand deposit |
| | | parameter used for sand extrapolation on water column and correct sand transport |
| | | value by default=0.02 correspond to Van Rijn experiments (DO NOT CHANGED IF NOT EXPERT) |
| cvolmaxsort | 0.58 | maximum volumic concentration of sorted sand (not used in version V2) |
| cvolmaxmel | 0.67 | maximum volumic concentration of mixed sediments (not used in version V2) |
namsedim_erosion : Namelist relative to sediment erosion¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| activlayer | 0.02 | active layer thickness (m) |
| frmudcr2 | 0.7 | critical mud fraction under which the behaviour is purely sandy |
| coef_frmudcr1 | 1000. | such that critical mud fraction under which sandy behaviour |
| | | frmudcr1=min(coef_frmudcr1*d50 sand,frmudcr2) |
| x1toce_mud | 0.5e-5 | parameters for critical erosion shear stress estimation |
| x2toce_mud | 2. | toce = x1toce_mud*(relative mud concentration)**x2toce_mud |
| E0_sand_option | 0.02 | choice of formulation for E0_sand evaluation |
| | | E0_sand_option= 0 then E0_sand= E0_sand_Cst |
| | | E0_sand_option= 1 then E0_sand evaluated with Van Rijn (1984) formulation |
| | | E0_sand_option= 2 then E0_sand evaluated with erodimetry formulation |
| | | E0_sand_option= 3 then E0_sand evaluated with Wu and Lin (2014) formulation |
| E0_sand_Cst | 0.001 | Constant erosion flux for sand (used if E0_sand_option= 0) |
| E0_sand_para | 1. | coefficient used to modulate erosion flux for sand (=1 if no correction ) |
| n_eros_sand | 1.6 | parameter for erosion flux for sand E0_sand*corfluero*(tenfo/toce-1.)**n_eros_sand |
| | | (choose parameters compatible with E0_sand_option ) |
| E0_mud | 0.001 | parameters for erosion flux for pure mud |
| n_eros_mud | 1. | E0_mud*corfluero*(tenfo/toce-1.)**n_eros_mud |
| E0_mud_para_indep | 1. | parameter to correct E0_mud in case of erosion class by class in non cohesive regime |
| corfluer1 | 0.01 | correction factors for erosion flux computations : |
| corfluer2 | 350. | corfluero=1.+corfluer1*MAX(0.0_rsh,corfluer2-csed_tot_surface) |
| ero_option | 3 | choice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mud |
| | | ero_option= 0 : pure mud behavior (for all particles and whatever the mixture) |
| | | ero_option= 1 : linear interpolation between sand and mud behavior |
| | | ero_option= 2 : transition between sand and mud behavior follows a power law |
| | | ero_option= 3 : transition varies exponentially (B. Mengual (2017,2018) |
| l_xexp_ero_cst | .False. | .true. if xexp_ero estimated from empirical formulation, depending on frmudcr1 |
| xexp_ero | 2. | coefficient used if ero_option=3 and l_xexp_ero_cst=T (adjustment on exponential variation) |
| htncrit_eros | 1. | critical water height so as to prevent erosion under a given threshold |
| tau_cri_option | 1 | choice of critical shear stress (0: Shields ; 1: Wu and Lin (2014)) |
| tau_cri_mud_option_eroindep | 1 | choice of critical shear stress for mud |
| | | = 0 : x1toce_mud*cmudr**x2toce_mud |
| | | = 1 : toce_meansan if somsan>eps (else->case0) |
| | | = 2 : minval(toce_sand*cvsed/cvsed+eps) if >0 (else->case0) |
| | | = 3 : min( case 0; toce(isand2) ) |
| l_peph_suspension | .true. | .true if Hindering / exposure processes in critical shear stress estimate for suspension |
| l_eroindep_noncoh | .true. | .true. to activate independant erosion for the different sediment classes sands and muds |
| | | .false. mixture mud/sand eroded as in version V1 |
| l_eroindep_mud | .false. | .true. if mud erosion independant from sands erosion |
| | | .false. if mud erosion proportionnal to total sand erosion |
namsedim_poro : Namelist relative to porosity estimation¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| poro_option | 2 | 1 or 2, 1: Wu and Li (2017) / 2: mix ideal coarse/fine packing |
| | | (option 1 incompatible with consolidation) |
| poro_min | 0.2 | minimum porosity below which consolidation is stopped |
| Awooster | 0.42 | formulation of Wooster et al. (2008) for estimating porosity associated to non-cohesive sediment |
| Bwooster | -0.458 | see Cui et al. (1996) |
| Bmax_wu | 0.65 | maximum portion of the coarse sediment class participating in filling |
namsedim_bedload : Namelist relative to sediment bedload¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_peph_bedload | .TRUE. | .true if Hindering / exposure processes in critical shear stress estimate for bedload |
| l_slope_effect_bedload | .FALSE. | Accounting for slope effects in bedload fluxes (Lesser formulation) |
| alphabs | 1. | Slope effects --> Default coefficients Lesser et al. (2004) |
| alphabn | 1.5 | default is 1.5 but alphabn can be higher, until 5-10 (Gerald Herling experience) |
| hmin_bedload | 0.1 | no bedload in u/v directions if h0+ssh <= hmin_bedload in neighbouring cells |
| l_fsusp | .FALSE. | .true if limitation erosion fluxes of non-coh sediment if simultaneous bedload transport |
| | | should be TRUE only if erosion flux is fitted to total transport; |
| | | should not if E0_sand_option=3 (Wu & Lin) |
namsedim_lateral_erosion : Namelist relative to lateral sediment erosion¶
see Lateral erosion
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_erolat_wet_cell | .FALSE. | .true in order to take into account wet cells lateral erosion |
| coef_erolat | 0.002 | slope effect multiplicative factor |
| coef_tenfon_lat | 5. | Parameter to evaluate the lateral stress as a function of the average tangential velocity |
namsedim_consolidation : relative to sediment consolidation¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_consolid | .FALSE. | boolean set to .true. if sediment consolidation is accounted for |
| dt_consolid | 600. | time step for consolidation processes in sediment . The min between dt_consolid & |
| | | dt_diffused (if l_diffused) & dt_bioturb (if l_bioturb) will be used in fact |
| subdt_consol | 30. | sub time step for consolidation processes in sediment (< or = min(dt_consolid, ..)) |
| | | The min between subdt_consolid & subdt_bioturb (if l_bioturb) will be used in fact |
| xperm1 | 4.e-12 | parameters for permeability estimation |
| xperm2 | -6. | permeability=xperm1*d50*d50*voidration**xperm2 |
| csegreg | 250. | NOT CHANGE VALUE if not expert |
| csandseg | 1250. | NOT CHANGE VALUE if not expert |
| xsigma1 | 6.e+05 | used in Merckelback & Kranenburg s (2004) formulation |
| xsigma2 | 6. | NOT CHANGE VALUES if not expert |
namsedim_diffusion : relative to dissolved diffusion in sediment¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_diffused | .FALSE. | .true. if taking into account dissolved diffusion in sediment and at the WS interface |
| dt_diffused | 600. | time step for diffusion processes in sediment . The min between dt_diffused & |
| | | dt_consolid (if l_consolid) & dt_bioturb (if l_bioturb) will be used in fact |
| choice_flxdiss_diffsed | 3 | choice for expression of dissolved fluxes at sediment-water interface |
| | | =1 : Fick law : gradient between Cv_wat at dz(1)/2 |
| | | =2 : Fick law : gradient between Cv_wat at distance epdifi |
| | | =3 : depending on shear velocity,(proposed by Boudreau and Shaw-Hanratty) |
| xdifs1 | 1.e-8 | diffusion coeficient between sediment layers (within sediment) |
| xdifs2 | 0. | NOT USED |
| xdifsi1 | 1.e-6 | diffusion coeficient at the Water Sediment interface |
| xdifsi2 | 0. | NOT USED |
| epdifi | 0.1 | diffusion thickness in the water at the sediment-water interface |
| | | used only if choice_flxdiss_diffsed=2 |
| fexcs | 1. | eccentricity factor in numerical scheme for dissolved advection equation (by consol) |
namsedim_bioturb : relative to bioturbation in sediment¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_bioturb | .FALSE. | true. if taking into account particulate bioturbation (diffusive mixing) in sediment |
| l_biodiffs | .FALSE. | true. if taking into account dissolved bioturbation diffusion in sediment |
| | | same bioturbation coefficients for dissolved et particulate currently |
| | | user must modify it in the routine sed_MUSTANG_coefbioturb in sed_MUSTANG.F90 |
| dt_bioturb | 600. | time step for bioturbation processes in sediment . The min between dt_bioturb & |
| | | dt_consolid (if l_consolid) & dt_diffused (if l_diffused) will be used in fact |
| subdt_bioturb | 30. | sub time step for bioturbation processes in sediment (< or = min(dt_bioturb, ..)) |
| | | The min between subdt_consolid (if l_consolid) & subdt_bioturb will be used in fact |
| xbioturbmax | 1.16e-9 | max diffusion coeffient by bioturbation Db (in surface) |
| xbioturbk | 6. | coef (slope) for bioturb coeff betwwen max Db at sediment surface and 0 at bottom |
| dbiotu0 | 0.1 | max depth beneath the sediment surface below which there is no bioturbation |
| dbiotum | 0.005 | sediment thickness wherein the diffusion-bioturbation coefficient Db is constant (max) |
| frmud_db_min | 0.4 | mud fraction limit (min) below which there is no Bioturbation |
| frmud_db_max | 0.8 | mud fraction limit (max) above which the bioturb coeff Db is maximum (muddy sediment) |
namsedim_morpho : relative to morphodynamic¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_morphocoupl | .FALSE. | .true if coupling module morphodynamic |
| l_bathy_smoothing | .FALSE. | .true. in order to apply bathymetric smoothing (only when l_morphocoupl .TRUE.) |
| MF | 1 | morphological factor : multiplication factor for morphological evolutions, |
| | | equivalent to a "time acceleration" |
| dt_morpho | 60. | time step for morphodynamic (s) |
| l_morphomesh | .FALSE. | .true. in order to define meshes where morphodynamic is not applied (morpho=0) |
| | | to program in routine sed_MUSTANG_morphoinit_mesh in initMUSTANG.F90 |
| l_dredging | .FALSE. | .true. if taking into account dredging (works only if key_dredging - not operational) |
| l_MF_dhsed | .FALSE. | .true. if morphodynamic applied with sediment height variation amplification |
| | | (MF_dhsed=MF; then MF will be = 0) |
| | | .false. if morphodynamic is applied with erosion/deposit fluxes amplification |
| | | (MF_dhsed not used) |
| l_bathy_actu | .FALSE. | .true. if bathymetry update to preserve the initial h0 after recovery of a file (repsed) |
| l_transfer2hydro_dhsed | .FALSE. | .true. only for transfer dhsed to WW3 with oasis (used only if key_oasis & key_oasis_mars_ww3) |
namoutput : relative to OUTPUT in sediment¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_outsed_saltemp | .FALSE. | true if output Salinity and Temperature in sediment |
| l_outsed_flx_WS_all | .FALSE. | true if output fluxes threw interface WS (2 2D variables per constitutive particulate variable) |
| l_outsed_poro | .FALSE. | true if output porosity |
| l_outsed_activlayer | .FALSE. | true if output active layer diagnostics ( 3 2D variables) |
| l_outsed_surf | .FALSE. | true if output mesh surfaces |
| l_outsed_toce | .FALSE. | true if output critical erosion shear stress |
| l_outsed_frmudsup | .FALSE. | true if output mud fraction at sediment surface layer |
| l_outsed_dzs_ksmax | .FALSE. | true if output thickness of the surface sediment layer |
| l_outsed_flx_Bload_all | .FALSE. | true if output bedload fluxes (2 2D variables per constitutive particulate variable) |
| l_outsed_bil_Bload_all | .FALSE. | true if output bedload budgets (1 2D variables per constitutive particulate variable) |
| l_outsed_fsusp | .FALSE. | true if output part of transport in suspension |
| l_outsed_peph | .FALSE. | true if output Hindering exposure factor on toce |
| l_outsed_eroiter | .FALSE. | true if output time elapsed and part of erosion iterations in the non-cohesive /cohesive regime |
| l_outsed_z0sed | .FALSE. | true if output critical skin roughness length |
| l_outsed_flx_WS_int | .FALSE. | true if output total fluxes at IWS for non cohesive variables and for cohesive variables |
| l_outsed_flx_Bload_int | .FALSE. | true if output bedload flux (x-comp and y-comp) (sum: igrav1 to isand2) |
| l_outsed_bil_Bload_int | .FALSE. | true if output divergence of bedload flux (sum: igrav1 to isand2) |
| name_out_XXX | ... | name of variable XXX saved in sediment output file |
| | | hsed, nbniv, dzs, tenfon... |
| riog_valid_min_XXX | 0 | scalar specifying the minimum valid value for the XXX variable |
| riog_valid_max_XXX | .... | name of variable saved in sediment output file |
| | | hsed, nbniv, dzs, tenfon... |
| choice_nivsed_out | 1 | choice of output (all layers, only at surface, integrated ..) |
| ep_nivsed_out | | 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm) (used if choice_nivsed_out=4) |
| epmax_nivsed_out | | maximum thickness (mm) for output each layers of sediment (used if choice_nivsed_out=3) |
namsedim_debug : parameters relative to debug MUSTANG V2 (if key_MUSTANG_debug)¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_debug_effdep | .TRUE. | .true. if print some informations for debugging MUSTANG deposition |
| l_debug_erosion | .TRUE. | .true. if print informations for debugging in erosion routines |
| date_start_debug | '07/01/2018 12:00:00' | starting date for write debuggng informations |
| lon_debug | 0.00d0 | longitude to define the position of mesh where we print informations (=0. if position defined with i,j) |
| lat_debug | 0.00d0 | latitude to define the position of mesh where we print informations (=0. if position defined with i,j) |
| i_MUSTANG_debug | 15 | indice i of the mesh where we print informations (taking into account only if lon_debug and lat_debug = 0.) |
| j_MUSTANG_debug | 34 | indice j of the mesh where we print informations (taking into account only if lon_debug and lat_debug = 0.) |
namflocmod : parameters using for FLOCMOD module (only if key_MUSTANG_flocmod)¶
| variable | default value | Observations |
| l_ADS | .FALSE. | TRUE if aggregation by differential settling |
| l_ASH | .TRUE. | TRUE if aggregation by shear |
| l_COLLFRAG | .FALSE. | TRUE if fragmentation by collision |
| f_dp0 | 4.e-6 | Primary particle size (default 4.e-6 m) |
| f_nf | 1.9 | Fractal dimension (default 2.0, usual range from 1.6 to 2.8) |
| f_nb_frag | 2. | Nb of fragments of equal size by shear fragmentation (default 2.0 as binary fragmentation) |
| f_alpha | 0.35 | Flocculation efficiency parameter (default 0.15) |
| f_beta | 0.150 | Floc break up parameter (default 0.1) |
| f_ater | 0. | Ternary fragmentation factor : proportion of flocs fragmented as half the size of the initial |
| | | binary fragments (0.0 if full binary fragmentation, 0.5 if ternary fragmentation) |
| f_ero_frac | 0. | Floc erosion (% of floc mass eroded) (default 0.05) |
| f_ero_nbfrag | 2. | Nb of fragments produced by erosion (default 2.0) |
| f_ero_iv | 1 | fragment class (mud variable index corresponding to the eroded particle size - typically 1) |
| f_mneg_param | 0. | negative mass after flocculation/fragmentation allowed before redistribution (default 0.001 g/l) |
| f_dmin_frag | 0.00003 | minimum diameter for fragmentation (default 10e-6 microns) |
| f_cfcst | 0.1875 | fraction of mass lost by flocs if fragmentation by collision .. (default : =3._rsh/16._rsh) |
| f_fp | 0.1 | Relative depth of inter particle penetration (default =0.1) (McAnally, 1999) |
| f_fy | 1.e-10 | Floc yield strength (default= 1.0e-10) (Winterwerp, 2002) |
| f_collfragparam | 0.01 | fraction of shear aggregation leading to fragmentation by collision |
| | | (default 0.0, must be less than 1.0) |
| l_out_f_d10 | .TRUE. | TRUE if output d10 (Percentile10 flocsizediameter) |
| l_out_f_d90 | .TRUE. | TRUE if output d90 (Percentile90 flocsizediameter) |
| l_out_G | .FALSE. | TRUE if output G (shear rate) |
| l_out_f_dtmin | .TRUE. | TRUE if output dtmin for floculation (sub time step) |
| l_out_MUDtot | .FALSE. | TRUE if output total Mud concentration |