CPP keys for module MUSTANG

  • The CPP keys are using to compile only some parts of the code.
  • With MARS, they are to be entered in the file Makefile.datarmor.

Example (for MARS) :

CPPFLAGS      = -Dkey_MPI_2D -Dkey_MUSTANG -Dkey_MARS -Dkey_sflx_turb_default -Dkey_sflx_ir_swimbank -Dkey_sflx_solar_luyten -Dkey_dyn_adv_quick -Dkey_tssub_adv_ultimatequickestmacho -Dkey_tssub_wcompact -Dkey_parsub_wquickupwind -Dkey_substance -Dkey_biolo

CPP keys for MUSTANG

|  *CPP keys*                 |      used to take into account or to choose           |    what it means for data and parameters                            |
|  key_sedim_MUSTANG          |  activated module MUSTANG                             |  read paraMUSTANGV1.txt                                             |
|  key_MARS                   |  to use MUSTANG with hydrodynamic MARS                |                                                                     |
|  key_MUSTANG_V2             |  choice of the version 2                              |  read paraMUSTANGV2.txt                                             |
|                             |  without this key, the version V1 is used             |                                                                     |
|  key_sand2D                 | to treat sand as 2D variable                          |  choice of l_sand2D for each sand variable in variable.dat          |
|                             | (integrated on depth and set in bottom layer k=1)     |  choice of l_outsandrouse for each sand variable in variable.dat    |
|  key_MUSTANG_flocmod        | to activate module floculation                        |                                                                     |
|  key_Pconstitonly_insed     | used with key_biolo                                   | :ref:`coupl_biolo_sedim`                                            |
|                             | only constitutive particulate variables and Temp,Sal  | settle in sediment                                                  |
|  key_noTSdiss_insed         | Temperature, Salinity and others dissolved variables  | constant values and no fluxes of dissolved variables                |
|                             | are not computed in sediment                          | between water and sediment                                          |
|  key_nofluxwat_IWS          | no exchange water fluxes between water and sediment   | recommended if  key_noTSdiss_insed is used                          |
|  key_MUSTANG_splitlayersurf | cutting of surface sediment layers to have regular    | choice of the number of thin layers to preserve on the surface      |
|                             | and precise discretization at surface sediment        |                                                                     |
|  key_MUSTANG_specif_outputs | output more diagnostics variables                     |                                                                     |
|                             |                                                       |                                                                     |
|  key_MUSTANG_bedload        | only with  key_MUSTANG_V2                             |                                                                     |
|                             | bedload processus included                            |                                                                     |
|  key_MUSTANG_debug          | only with  key_MUSTANG_V2                             |  choice print information during erosion or deposit process         |
|                             | print a lot of variable during run for debugging      |  (l_debug_erosion or/and l_debug_effdep)                            |
|                             |                                                       |  choice of coordinates of the point to be checked                   |
|  key_MUSTANG_               | only with  key_MUSTANG_V2                             |                                                                     |
|          add_consol_outputs | outputs more diagnostics variables                    |                                                                     |
|                             |                         related to consolidation      |                                                                     |
|  key_MUSTANG_               | to take into account the influence on water density   |                                                                     |
|          roswat_with_mud    | of high concentrations of particles                   |                                                                     |

The CPP keys commonly activated to use MARS and to simulate transported state variables are recalled below :

CPP Keys in MARS for transport of dissolved and particulate variables (other than salinity and temperature)

|  *CPP keys*              |      *used to take into account or to choose*         |   *what it means for data and parameters*                           |
|  key_substance           |   simulate several variables other than Temp and Sal  | read variable.dat, outflow.dat et parasubs.txt                      |
|                          |                                                       | +concentrations file / input fluxes by rivers and discharges        |
|                          |                                                       | read points.dat, vardiag.dat, subbudgetdomain.dat  if needed        |
|  key_tssub_adv...        |   choice of resolution schemes for                    | (already used to salinity and temperature)                          |
|                          |   horizontal transport equations                      | (tssub_adv_ultimatequickest, tssub_adv_ultimatequickestmacho        |
|                          |   for dissolved and particulate substances            | (tssub_macho3d, tssub_adv_fourthorder, tssub_adv_fifthorder         |
|                          |                                                       |                                                                     |
|  key_tssub_w...          |   choice of resolution schemes for                    | (tssub_wquickupwind or tssub_wcompact)                              |
|                          |   vertical transport equations                        |                                                                     |
|                          |   for dissolved substances                            |                                                                     |
|                          |                                                       |                                                                     |
|  key_parsub_w...         |   choice of resolution schemes for                    | (parsub_wquickupwind or parsub_wcompact)                            |
|                          |   vertical transport equations                        | due to numerical problems associated with settling velocitiesi, one |
|                          |   for particulate substances                          | can used different CPP keys for vert. transport of part. substances |
|                          |                                                       |                                                                     |
| key_subs_part_eqsubdt    |  used to group specific variables that have the       |     may save computing time                                         |
|                          |  same settling velocity  throughout the simulation    |                                                                     |