Output variables in sedimentΒΆ

  • There are 4 different ways to write variables in sediment.
  • User chooses the option with parameters listed in namelist namsedoutput (paraMUSTANG.txt)
    • choice_nivsed_out : 1,2 3 or 4
    • nk_nivsed_out : number of saved sediment layers
    • ep_nivsed_out (mm) : 5 values of sediment layer thickness (mm), beginning with surface layer (choice 4). Last layer (6th) is an integrative layer.
    • epmax_nivsed_out (mm) : maximum thickness (mm) for output each layers of sediment (choice 3). Below this thickness, output an integrative layer.
  • The following variables are written to the output file :
| by default                          | h0 (hx,hy)     | bathymetry (changing if morphocoupl)                                               |
|                                     | hsed           | total thickness of sediment                                                        |
|                                     | nbniv          | number of sediment layers                                                          |
|                                     | dzs            | thickness of each sediment layer                                                   |
|                                     | temp           | Temperature in each sediment layer (if l_outsed_saltemp)                           |
|                                     | sal            | Salinity in each sediment layer (if l_outsed_saltemp)                              |
|                                     | var name conc  | Concentration of each variable in each sediment layer                              |
|                                     | tenfon         | bottom shear stress for erosion                                                    |
| with key_MUSTANG_specif_outputs     | poro           | porosity  (if l_outsed_poro)                                                       |
|                                     | toce           | critical bottom shear stress for erosion (if l_outsed_toce)                        |
|                                     | Ero_flx_s2w    | flux sediment to water (erosion) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_all)                          |
|                                     | Dep_flx_w2s    | flux water to sediment (deposit) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_all                           |
|                                     | frmudsup       | mud fraction in the ksmax layer (if l_outsed_frmudsup)                             |
|                                     | dzs_ksmax      | layer thickness at sediment surface i(if l_outsed_dzs_ksmax)                       |
| with key_MUSTANG_V2                 | surf           |  mesh surface                                                                      |
| with key_MUSTANG_V2                 |                |                                                                                    |
| && key_MUSTANG_specif_outputs       | pephm_fcor     | Hindering exposure factor on toce (if l_outsed_peph)                               |
|                                     | dzs_aclay_comp | Theoretical active layer thickness Harris and Wiberg 1997 (if l_outsed_activlayer) |
|                                     | dzs_aclay_kept | Active layer thickness in the model (if l_outsed_activlayer)                       |
|                                     | tero_noncoh    | time elapsed in the non-cohesive erosion regime (if l_outsed_eroiter)              |
|                                     | tero_coh       | time elapsed in the cohesive erosion regime (if l_outsed_eroiter)                  |
|                                     | pct_iter_noncoh| part of erosion iterations in the non-cohesive regime (if l_outsed_eroiter)        |
|                                     | pct_iter_coh   | part of erosion iterations in the cohesive regime (if l_outsed_eroiter)            |
|                                     | niter_ero      | Number of iterations in sed_erosion during time step (if l_outsed_eroiter)         |
|                                     | z0sed          | Skin roughness length (if l_outsed_z0sed)                                          |
|                                     | flx_s2w_noncoh | non cohesiv flux sed to water (sum: isand1 to isand2) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_int)     |
|                                     | flx_w2s_noncoh | non cohesiv flux water to sed (sum: isand1 to isand2) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_int)     |
|                                     | flx_s2w_coh    | cohesiv flux sed to water (sum: imud1 to imud2) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_int)           |
|                                     | flx_w2s_noncoh | cohesiv flux water to sed (sum: imud1 to imud2) (if l_outsed_flx_WS_int)           |
| with key_MUSTANG_V2                 |                |                                                                                    |
| && key_MUSTANG_add_consol_outputs   | loadograv      | excess interstitial water pressure                                                 |
|                                     | permeab        | permeability                                                                       |
|                                     | sigmapsg       | effective stress (transmitted grain to grain)                                      |
|                                     | dtsdzs         | dt/dzs                                                                             |
|                                     | hinder         | hinder                                                                             |
|                                     | sed_rate       | sedimentation rate by consolidation                                                |
|                                     | sigmadjge      | sigma unseparated (without share of water)                                         |
|                                     | stateconsol    | state of consolidation indicator                                                   |
| with key_MUSTANG_V2                 |                |                                                                                    |
| && key_MUSTANG_bedload              | flx_bx         | bedload flux WE (if l_outsed_flx_Bload_all)                                        |
|                                     | flx_by         | bedload flux SN (if l_outsed_flx_Bload_all)                                        |
|                                     | bil_bedload    | bedload budget  (if l_outsed_flx_Bload_all)                                        |
|                                     | fsusp          | part of transport in suspension (if l_outsed_fsusp)                                |
|                                     | flx_bx_int     | bedload flux x-comp (sum: igrav1 to isand2)                                        |
|                                     | flx_by_int     | bedload flux y-comp (sum: igrav1 to isand2)                                        |
|                                     | bil_bedload_int| divergence of bedload flux (sum: igrav1 to isand2)                                 |

Output sand variables in water column (*if key_sand2D*)

  • If key_sand2D is activated, sand variables with l_sand2D =. TRUE. (in variable.dat) can be written in two different ways
    • either l_outsandrouse=.FALSE. (in variable.dat) : only the average value in the water column, determined in 2D by the model, is written at k = 1
    • either l_outsandrouse=.TRUE. : a profile over the entire water column is artificially reconstructed from the calculated average value according to a Rouse profile.