Includes the following sections :
- namdate3d
: 3D computation starting date and AGRIF nest starting date
- date_start3d : 3d run starting date
- date_startagrif : AGRIF zoom starting date
- date_startshift : time lag (in days) between the run starting time and date_start to avoid any spin-up time within the date_start-date_end window
- nambathy
: bathymetry related parameters
- file_bathy : topography and mean level file name in netCDF format
- l_bathy_meanlev : .true. if the reference for bathymetric levels is the level of lowest astronomical tides (hydrographic zero).
- mslshift : mean sea level shift (i.e. level about which the sea level oscillates) - Useful only when the model vertical reference derives from a preexisting levelling network (IGN 69, NGF ...)
- name_hx, name_hy, name_h0 : name of hx,hy,h0 variable in bathymetry file
- name_bathy_meanlev : name of “mean water level” variable in bathymetry file
- bathy_nbsmooth : number of bathymetry smoothing iterations where bathymetric slope is steep.
- l_bathy_comb : suppression of cells closed on 3 sides (contact V. Garnier if you want to use this option)
- l_bathy_pit : suppression of local pits (h0 < hx,hy) (contact V. Garnier if you want to use this option)
- hminim : height in meters above which a cell is considered as always dry.
- hrdef : depth below which hx and hx are re-computed as the spatial average of surrounding h0s.
- h0fond : residual water thickness (in m). This thickness is added to the computed water level (xe) to avoid possible mass loss during drying
- dhj : minimum water level on tidal flats (in m). This parameter prevents irrealistic accelerations induced by the decrease (down to almost zero) of the flowing section during drying.
- hminkxky : minimum water level used to compute horizontal diffusivity
- l_tssubadv_over_smalldepth : if .TRUE., tracers are advected in 2D if water level below hm - if .FALSE., no advection if water level below hm
- hm : water level below which computations are 2D and not 3D.
- fwetmin : As fwetmin tends to 0 (0.01), the real fraction of the wet part of the cell is estimated and used in the continuity, momentum and tracer equations to improve the realism of wet-drying. This functionality is unplugged if fwetmin=1.0
- l_bathy_save : saving of the bathymetry (H0,HX,HY) used during the simulation into the file
- file_bathy_child : topography and mean level file name of the child grid in netCDF format. Usefull for rotated child grid only (with -Dkey_tide_saveobct).
- namrestart
: restart of an interrupted simulation
- l_initfromfile : .true. in case of a restart. The new run will be initialized with parameters/fields saved during a previous run in the file_init file.
- file_init : file in which parameters/fields from a previous run are saved to create the initial conditions of a restart run
- l_init_restart : .true. to get exact results when restarting from a restart file after a break in the simulation.
- l_init_rtime : .true. if the starting time of the 3D simulation is read from the restart file.
- l_init_rdt : .true. if the time step is read from the restart file.
- l_init_rssh : .true. if the water level is read from the restart file.
- l_init_rbtvel : .true. if barotropic currents are read from the restart file.
- l_init_r3dvel : .true. if 3D (barotropic+baroclinic) currents are read from the restart file.
- l_init_rwz : .true. if vertical velocities are read from restarts.
- l_init_rturb : .true. if viscosity fields (in case of a Smagorinsky procedure) and vertical diffusivity and viscosity fields are saved for restarts.
- l_init_rsal, l_init_rtemp: .true. if salinity/temperature fields are saved for restarts.
- namobc
: level boundary conditions type
- l_obc_mars :.true. to apply zero gradient of velocity at the open boundaries.
- l_obc_diri : .true. to use Dirichlet s method at the open boundaries.
- l_obc_char : .true. to use the characteristics method at the open boundaries.
- l_obc_cycl : .true. to apply cyclic open boundaries.
- l_obc_cycl_x , l_obc_cycl_y : .true. for periodic boundary conditions along x/y. l_obc_cycl must be set to .true.
- l_obc_tide : .true. to simulate tides and apply then at open boundaries. The tidal signal comes from an harmonic tidal composition or the open boundary file saved by the previous rank.
- l_obc_ogcm : .true. to apply open boundaries provived by an ocean global model that does not simulate the tides.
- l_tide_harmcompo : .true. to use harmonic tidal composition for water levels. Convenient for detailed models which are usually nested and can be easily un-nested. l_obc_tide must be set to .true.
- l_obc2drank_save : .true. in order to write boundary conditions for nested computations.
- l_obc_south, l_obc_north, l_obc_west, l_obc_east : .true. if open boundaries to the south/north/west/east.
- file_obc_ogcm_s, file_obc_ogcm_n, file_obc_ogcm_e, file_obc_ogcm_w, : name of file for southern/northern/eastern/western open boundary conditions
- l_obc_ogcm_rssh : .true. if the sea surface height boundary condition has to be read from an open boundary file (defined above)
- l_obc_ogcm_rt, l_obc_ogcm_rs : .true. if the temperature/salinity boundary condition has to be read from an open boundary file (defined above)
- l_obc_ogcm_ruv, l_obc_ogcm_ruvz : .true. if the 2D/3D velocity boundary condition has to be read from an open boundary file (defined above)
- l_obc_ogcm_relax : .true. if there is a T and S relaxation towards their values along the open boundary (inside the calculated domain) from the previous nest. The obc_coefrel coefficient must be different from 0 (ex : 0.7e-06).
- obc_coefrel : relaxation coefficient in s^-1. If set to 0, the T,S values of the previous nest are prescribed. Otherwise, there is a relaxation towards the T,S values of the previous nest at the open boundary.
- nammeteo
: meteorological-related parameters
- meteo_dragtype : type of surface drag coefficient (Forcings). not used if l_meteo_hom =T or l_meteo_stat =T and not used if imeteo_exchtype =1 (uses bilinear interpolation)
- imeteo_exchtype : dependence on air-sea temperature difference for the surface drag coefficient and the thermal exchange coefficient (Forcings). not used if l_meteo_hom =T or l_meteo_stat =T
- cds : surface drag coefficient (usi) used if imeteo_dragtype =0 and imeteo_exchtype =0 and used also if l_meteo_hom =T or l_meteo_stat =T ((Vertical boundary conditions)
- paref : reference atmospherical pressure
- l_sflx_rpa : .true. to read the atmospherical pressure from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_pa : name of the variable relative to the atmospherical pressure in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rwind : .true. to read the wind at 10 m from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_wind : name of the variable relative to wind in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rsat : .true. to read the air temperature at 2m (or 10m) from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_sat : name of the variable relative to the air temperature in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rrh : .true. to read the relative humidity from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_rh : name of the variable relative to the relative humidity in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rsolar : .true. to read the solar flux from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_solar : name of the variable relative to the solar flux in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rir : .true. to read the infra-red flux from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_ir : name of the variable relative to the infra-red flux in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rrain : .true. to read the rain from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_rain : name of the variable relative to the rain in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rfcc : .true. to read the fractional cloud cover from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_fcc : name of the variable relative to the fractional cloud cover in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_rpa : .true. to read the atmospherical pressure from a meteorological file
- name_sflx_pa : name of the variable relative to the atmospherical pressure in the meteorological file
- l_sflx_ath2m : specify if the air temperature or relative humidity is available at 2m or 10 m. .True. if 2 m.rm -R
- namsaverestart
: saving parameters
- l_saverestart_1file : .true. in order to save the model state at regular timesteps (of saverestart_step) in a saving file to be used for restarts.
- file_saverestart : file where the model state is saved when sequential saving is not requested (i.e. sauvseq=.false.).
- l_saverestart_bydate : .true. in order to plan sequential saving : several saving files are written, with names which include the saving time (ddmmaaaahhmm). .false. inhibits sequential saving and saving is always written in one and only file called file_saverestart.
- saverestart_step : time step (in days) between consecutive savings.Saving files are written in a netcdf filed called file_saverestart.
- namoutput
: output-related parameters
- iscreen : 6 : dispay on the screen; 12 : display in the listing file
- iscreenlog : 6 : dispay on the screen; 18 : display in simu.log file
- ierrorlog : 6 : dispay on the screen; 17 : display in error.log file
- iwarnlog : 6 : dispay on the screen; 16 : display in warning.log file
- out_dir : path of directory where the output files are written
- file_output : file name in which output files are defined.
- l_out_nc4par : logical to turn the parallel NetCDF-4 writting on. if .True. : each cpu writes its part in a unique global file - if .False. : each cpu writes its part in its specific file.
- l_out_pack : logical to turn the packing of data values on and to reduce the size of the output file. if .True., the values are saved in short type according to the following transformation packed_data_value = nint((unpacked_data_value - add_offset) / scale_factor)
- namvisc
: numerical horizontal viscosity parameters
- fvisc : coefficient in the horizontal turbulent viscosity formulation : nu = fvisc(i)*0.01*(dx**1.15). interval : 1 < fvisc < 17
- l_smagor : .true. to compute the lateral viscosity coefficient according to a Smagorinsky-type procedure. Set to .false. for a constant and homogenous viscosity (except in sponge layers).
- vismax : maximum value of viscosity in m2.s-1. This coefficient depends on the grid cell size. The magnitude can be approached by the following formulation : 0.015*dx**1.15 where dx is the model grid cell size.
- cosmag : Smagorinsky control coefficient (dimensionless). values in the interval : 0.05 < cosmag < 0.3
- sponge_nbcell : length of the sponge layer (number of cells).
- vismul : viscosity multiplicative coefficient within the sponge layer.
- l_spongs, l_spongn, l_sponge, l_spongw : .true. to add a sponge layer to the South/North/East/West.
- namturb
: vertical turbulence parameters (3D)
- z0bot : Roughness length to estimate the bottom drag coefficient (in m). Of the order of a few mm.
- z0surf : roughness length to estimate the surface drag coefficient (in m). Of the order of a few meters since z0surf is equal to 1.6 * Hs (the significant wave height).
- hminfrot : minimum water column height used to compute bottom and surface shear stresses
- hmaxfrot : maximimum thickness of the bottom boundary layer (used to compute bottomshear stresses)
- turb_nbeq : number of equations in the turbulence model(0, 1 ou 2)
- turb_0eq_option : option number for the zero equation model (Turbulence models)
- turb_2eq_option : option number for the two-equation model ( 1- k-kl ; 2- k-epsilon; 3- k-omega; 4- generic modele)
- bgdiff : background vertical viscosity and diffusivity (in m2/s), with values such that nz >= bgdiff and kz >= bgdiff
- kzinit : initial vertical diffusivity coefficient. Coefficient also used thoughout the computation in case of a constant turbulence model (in m2/s) (turb_0eq_option == 1).
- nzinit : initial vertical viscosity coefficient. Coefficient also used throughout the computation in case of a constant turbulence model (in m2/s) (turb_0eq_option == 1).
- l_stability : boolean set to .true. in order for the water column to always be stable (the unstable part of the column is mixed until stability is reached)
- namfrot
: friction-related parameters (2D)
- botstressmax : critical velocity (in m.s-1) beyond which the shear stress coefficient is artificially increased in the cells where the critical velocity is exceeded.
- namdiff
: diffusion coefficients
- kx : diffusion coefficient for dissolved, particulate matter, salt and temperature (in m2/s) in the W-E direction.
- ky : diffusion coefficient for dissolved, particulate matter, salt and temperature (in m2/s) in the S-N direction.
- namgridsig
: sigma coordinate distribution & special grid specification
- l_equisig : .true. for a regular sigma level distribution. .false. to desactivate the regular distribution of sigma levels, in which case the user has to define the new distribution.The number of sigma layers prescribed has to be exactly equal to kmax as defined in INC/parameters.F90
- sig
: sigma level vector. To be defined if equisig=.false.
- example : sig(1)= -0.95,sig(2)= -0.8,sig(3)= -0.65,sig(4)= -0.5, sig(5)= -0.35,sig(6)= -0.25,sig(7)= -0.15,sig(8)= -0.1, sig(9)= -0.05,sig(10)= -0.03
- hc : either the minimum depth or a shallower depth above which we wish to have more vertical resolution (generalized sigma)
- b_sig : bottom control parameter for generalized sigmas (bounded by 0 and 1)
- theta_sig : surface control parameter for generalized sigmas (bounded by 0 and 20) let theta_sig go to zero to get pure sigma coordinates
- grid_angle : rotation angle of the grid (positive and clockwise from the north)
- l_corio_cst : .true. for constant Coriolis parameter
- namriver
: river related parameters
- file_river : file describing fresh water outflows (position, discharge...)
- icon : defines whether buoyancy effects are taken into account (0 : no salinity, temperature and buoyancy computation - 1 : salinity, temperature and buoyancy (for turbulence purpose) are computed but the internal pressure gradient is not accounted for - 2 : salinity, temperature and buoyancy are computed and the internal pressure gradient is accounted for.
- namparanum
: numerical parameters
- dtini : initial time step (in case of an adaptative time step), otherwise fixed model time step (in s). It is reasonable to choose it so that u*dtini/dx ~ 0.2 where u is the maximum current encountered in the domain and dx is the grid cell size.
- dtmin : minimum value of the adaptative time step (in s)
- dtmax : maximum value of the adaptative time step (in s). This time step must be such that u*dtmax/dx < 1 where u is the maximum current encountered in the domain and dx the grid cell size.
- l_modele2d : if .true., MARS solves barotropic equations whatever the number of layers specified by kmax
- cflcrt : maximum value of the current number used to compute the adaptative time step. Theoretically equal to 1. Practically, the model is unstable as soon as cflcrt > 0.7. The time step is reduced if this threshold is exceeded.
- namthermo
: sea water thermodynamics parameters
- l_sflx_radlossbot : .true. in order for the bottom to not be a thermic barrier ; in that case, the radiative part not absorbed by the water column is lost.
- l_sflx_solarcst : .true. for constant air-sea heat fluxes (equal to sflx_solarcst).
- sflx_solarcst : heat flux value at the air-sea interface in case of constant schematic exchanges (in W/m2).
- albedo_sed : albedo [0-1] of surface sediment - assumed to be uniform and constant - automatically set to 1. if l_sflx_radlossbot=.FALSE.
- climato_file_kpar : file name for daily kpar climato data - used only if key_daily_climato_kpar
- namtraj
: trajectory computation-related parameters
- file_trajec : file where the “spots” position and characteristics are described.
- itypetraj : type of definition for patch initial position: 1: circle, 2: rectangle, 3:netcdf
- ndtz : number of time-step within the hydrodynamic model time step. See (Ross and Sharples, 2004, Limnol.Oceanogr.) for sensitivity analysis. To choose depending on the model time resolution, dt/ndtz should be of the order of few seconds
- namdiag
: diagnostics control
- l_diag : .true. in order to compute and write diagnostics implemented in diagnostic.F90.
- date_startdiag : diagnostics starting time
- date_enddiag : diagnostics finishing time
- file_diag : ascci file where time series will be written
- l_points : .true. for the output of time series at locations defined in file_point
- file_point : name of the ascii file describing a number of points where currents, water levels, salinity, temperature and tracers are written at every time step.
- namoffline
: OFFline related parameters
- path_offline : directory where offline output files (containing conservative averaged velocities, water depths and sea level) (-Dkey_offline) and the list of files list_offline.dat are located
- l_bz_offline : to estimate the buoyancy from salinity and temperature fields (-Dkey_offline) interpolated on time
- namsurge
: parameters to manage obc with surge and tidal signal
- l_tide_surge : logique turning on obc with tidal signal + surge
- file_tide_harmcp : file of tidal harmonic components, more precise over Biscay shelf (143 components). Used when surge signal is turning on.
- file_surge_meteo : obc file issued from a previous rank with meteorology (wind and atmospherical pressure)
- file_surge_nometeo : obc file issued from a previous rank without any meteorology