Choice of CPP keys before compilation¶
In Makefile.caparmor : add CPP_keys in CPPFLAGS =
select variables namelists their corresponding
List of CPP keys
GRID -Dkey_bathy_final-Dkey_out_grid_smallsize-Dkey_grid_curvto read definite bathymetry in netCDF format file (no more changes)dont save in output the full set of variables for the gridUse to deal with orthogonal curvilinear grids (read 2D angle & dx,dy in the bathy_file)custom the missing value of the grid in parameters.F90 (valmanq_curv)to use with -Dkey_sflx_interp_scripROTATED GRID -Dkey_grid_rotated-Dkey_tide_saverotatedobcto use a rotated gridto save 2D obc for a rotated child rankTIDEchoice of harmonic components-Dkey_tide_schwid-Dkey_tide_fes2004-Dkey_tide_fes2012-Dkey_tide_shom-Dkey_tide_shom_bilinear-Dkey_tide_lagoon-Dkey_tide_lagoon_banyuls-Dkey_tide_lagoon_marseilleschwiderski model (1980), modele de pg Islande-Portugal (5 km) l_tide_harmcompo=trueFES 2004 (MOGD) l_tide_harmcompo=trueFES 2012 (MOGD) l_tide_harmcompo=trueCST - File Shom - Channel Atlantic Fr l_tide_harmcompo=trueBilinear interpolation for harmonic components on the model gridlagoons of Banuyls and Marseillestide for Banyulstide for MarseillesUNLINEAR TERMS default-Dkey_dyn_adv_quick-Dkey_dyn_adv_quickest-Dkey_dyn_adv_linearcenteredQUICKQUICKESTno nonlinear termsINTERNAL PRESSURE GRADIENT default-Dkey_dyn_pg_djcs-Dkey_dyn_pg_pint-Dkey_dyn_pg_djDensity jacobianDensity jacobien + cubic spline approx (Shchepetkin et al. 2004)Marsaleix et al;2009 (integrated pressure before horizontal gradient)Shchepetkin et Mc Williams, 2003 (density jacobian)WET DRYING -Dkey_dyn_wetdry_fct-Dkey_phicondrycelluse of Flux Corrected Transport to correct ssh and velocity estimates+ and keep positive water depths in wet-drying areawith key_substance if outflow into a dry cell during ebb tideOPEN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS default-Dkey_grid_rotated-Dkey_tide_saveobcrotatedreading and saving for straight open boundaryreading with the use of a rotated child grid -+ Longitude and latitude read from the bathy filesaving for straight open boundary but using a rotated child grid+ Define imin_child… variables in parameter.F90 and file_bathy_child=‘’Direct offline coupling : Use extract tool to prepare your obc fields+ l_obc_ogcm : nesting with an ogcm+ l_obc_tide : Nesting with a previous rank or from harmonics+ l_obc_north.... & file_obc_ogcm_n... : Where are the open boundaries & Which obc file+ l_obc_mars : MARS standard Sea surface height is prescribed & Gradient nul for velocity+ l_obc_cycl : CYCLIC zonaly or meridionaly+ l_obc_char : Caracteristics method (2D part only)+ l_obc_diri : DIRICHLET :SSH prescribed (strong condition) & Velocities prescribed (weak condition)OPEN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR SUBSTANCES
default-Dkey_zerogradconstant value or reading value in an OBC filedepending on l_obc_ogcm_rc (in parasubs.txt)using zero gradient conditionfor some variables with “zerograd” instead of “none” or “name of variable obc“in variable.datchoose l_obc_coefrel for relaxation time- VERTICAL VELOCITY
- (wz_phys)
-Dkey_diag_physwzEstimate and save physical vertical velocity- VERTICAL DIFFUSION
- (nz, kz)
no CPP keyChoice of modele with namelist variables : turb_nbeq, turb_0eq_option or turb_2eq_optionVISCOSITYVERTICAL VISCOSITYno CPP key-Dkey_lesChoice with namelist variables : l_smagor (viscosity constant or Smagorinsky, 1963)Sponge layer at each open boundaryCompute viscosity from both horizontal and vertical shearin case of SMAGORINSKY (l_smagor=.true.)STATE EQUATION no CPP key-Dkey_potential_N2Choice of modele with namelist variables : l_stateeq_lin (linear model or not)estimate the potential brunt-vaisala frequency (used in turbulence formulation)- VERTICAL DISCRETIZATION
- (xy direction)
default-Dkey_siggensigma : l_equisig=.true. Or .false. so specify sig for each levelgeneralized sigma : l_equisig=.true. (do not change)choice hc, teta_sig, b_sig. example : hc = 5.0 ; theta_sig=0.000001 ; b_sig=1let theta_sig go to zero to get pure sigma coordinatesTRACER ADVECTION (multidimensional 3D including cross term) -Dkey_tssub_macho3dMacho scheme- TRACER ADVECTION
- (xy direction)
default-Dkey_tssub_adv_ultimatequickest-Dkey_tssub_adv_ultimatequickestmacho-Dkey_tssub_adv_fourthorder-Dkey_parsub_adv_ultimatequickest-Dkey_parsub_adv_ultimatequickestmacho-Dkey_parsub_adv_fourthorderQuick / Euler-Upwind schemequickest scheme (xy direction) + ultimate limiterquickest scheme+ultimate limiter + multidimensional extension machofourth order centred scheme (xy direction)quickest scheme (xy direction) + ultimate limiterquickest scheme+ultimate limiter + multidimensional extension machofourth order centred scheme (xy direction)- TRACER ADVECTION
- (along z)
default-Dkey_tssub_wquickupwind-Dkey_tssub_wcompact-Dkey_parsub_wquickupwind-Dkey_parsub_wcompactcentered schemeQUICK scheme along the vertical (dissolved tracer advection)Upwind Compact and Conservative scheme along the vertical (dissolved variables)QUICK scheme along the vertical (particulate tracer advection)Upwind Compact and Conservative scheme along the vertical (particulate variables)VERTICAL ADVECTION -Dkey_adapt_imp_vert_advAdaptive Courant-number-dependent implicit scheme for vertical advection(for Tracers and moment)TRACER DIFFUSION default-Dkey_ts_diffh_geo-Dkey_ts_diffh_rhoalong sigmaalong geopotentialalong isopycnesSURFACE FLUX -Dkey_sflx_interp_scripUse SCRIP bicubic interpolation for atmospherical inputsEXTINCTION COEFFICIENT default-Dkey_daily_climato_kpar-Dkey_kpar_constantextinction formulated with 2 wave length and coeff adapted for clear water (5<Turb<30)read 2D extinction coefficient from daily climatological fileconstant extinction coefficient (=coext read in paraspec.txt)HEAT FLUX Solar fluxes -Dkey_sflx_solar_luyten-Dkey_sflx_solar_gillBulk MAST 3 (Luyten et al, 1992)Bulk NOMADS2 (Gill, 1982)read (l_sflx_rsolar=.true.)HEAT FLUX Thermal fluxes -Dkey_sflx_ir_swimbank-Dkey_sflx_ir_luyten-Dkey_sflx_ir_berliandSwimbank (Agoumi thesis)Luyten and De Mulder (1992)Berliand and Berliand (1952)read (l_sflx_rir=.true.)TURBULENT FLUXES (latent and sensible flux and wind stresses) -Dkey_sflx_turb_fairall-Dkey_sflx_turb_ayina-Dkey_sflx_turb_large-Dkey_sflx_turb_luyten-Dkey_sflx_turb_defaultFairall et al.,2003 (imeteo_exchtype =1 in paraspec.txt)Ayina et Bentamy, 2007 (imeteo_exchtype =1 in paraspec.txt)Large and Yeager, 2004 (imeteo_exchtype =1 in paraspec.txt)Luyten et De Mulder, 1992 (imeteo_exchtype =1 in paraspec.txt)Clark et al (1995), Elliot and Clark (1990)SUBSTANCES -Dkey_substance-Dkey_subs_part_eqsubdtto save time for substance with settling velocity (group variables)SEDIMENTOLOGY -Dkey_substance -Dkey_sedimwith -Dkey_sedim_mudsandwith -Dkey_sedim_mixsed+ -Dkey_sand2D+ -Dkey_flocmodassociated cpp keys + one of the following :to use mud/sand sediment moduleto use mixed sediment module (advised choice now)to treat sand as 2D variable (integrated on depth and set in bottom layer k=1)to add module floculationBIOGEOCHEMISTRY AND CONTAMINANTS -Dkey_substance -Dkey_contaminant+ -Dkey_sedim -Dkey_sedim_mudsandassociated cpp keysadd these keys if some contaminant are particulateBIOLOGY (Usage des clés CPP pour utiliser ECOMARS) -Dkey_substance -Dkey_biolo-Dkey_biolo_opt2-Dkey_messat-Dkey_physadaptationassociated cpp keys (VERSION DE BASE - Option 1)add this key if option 2 used (VERSION DE BASE - option 2)add this key to read sea surface temperature mesurementadd this key if default option (1) and adaptation (Usage des clés CPP pour utiliser ECOMARS)MPI -Dkey_MPI_2DSeveral output files if l_out_nc4par= .false.One single output file if l_out_nc4par= .trueMPI + OMP -Dkey_MPI_2D -Dkey_MPIOMPAGRIF package -Dkey_agrif -Dkey_agrif_usewith -DAGRIF_MPI -Dkey_MPISequential - Compile with -r8add these keys for MPITRAJECTORIES -Dkey_trajec3dtrajectories for 3D simulations (called alone without -Dkey_ibm)Individual Based Model -Dkey_ibmBiological processes for individual particules+ (called alone without -Dkey_trajec3d)TEST CASES -Dkey_tssub_casadvsmolartimetest tracers schemes for Smolarkievicz configurationOFFLINE (no dynamics, tracers advection only) -Dkey_offline_outuvflux-Dkey_offlinesave time averaged 3d velocities and sea levelead time averaged dynamics variables and run the code without the dynamics partOUPUT -Dkey_xiosUse XIOS library for Output : dont forget to activate it in makefile (XIOS=”USE”)OASIS COUPLING -Dkey_oasis-Dkey_oasis_mars_ww3Activate the use of OASIS libraryCoupling Mars with WW3 model to exchange variables at each time step