Processes in sediment module MUSTANGΒΆ
- There are 2 options (2 versions) :
- version 1 :
- used by default with key_sedim_MUSTANG, based on the model “mixsed”developped by Le Hir et al (2011)
- version 2 :
- used with key_sedim_MUSTANG && key_MUSTANG_V2,recently developped by B. Mengual and P. Le Hirto improve layer and porosity management,as well as erosion and deposition processes with mixing sediment (at cohesif and non cohesif regime).The bedload processes have taken into account in this new version (based on the developments of A. Rivier (2017))(see Mengual, 2018 - Seine Aval report - Morphoseine Project)
- The different computation steps for sediment module are :
- actualization of bathymetrie if morphodynamical coupling
- computing bottom shear stress \(=\tau_s\) f(U,waves, roughness)(Shear stress Process)
- computing settling rate in water column (Setlling Process)
- computing aggregation /fragmentation processes (Flocculation Process)
- computing settling trends (Setlling Process)
- extrapolation of sand concentration near bottom
- sediment consolidation and diffusion/bioturbation into sediment layers (Consolidation Process , Diffusion within sediment and at interface and Bioturbation within sediment)
- computing total mass eroded transported by suspending or by bedload (Erosion Processes)
- after particules transport in water column, computing of effective deposit, updating sediment layers (Deposit Processes)
- throughout the process, calculate the porosity of the sand / mud mixture (Porosity of a multiclass mixture sand/mud)