Includes the following sections :
- nmlmain
: general parameters
- date_ref (reference date)
- comdir (simulation directory)
- jhemisph (northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere)
- nmlrestart
: names of variables read from the input file
- name_in_var : name of the variable var (dt,xe,xev,u,v,temp, etc..) read from the start file
- name_in_mhex;*_mhey* ; _mxe; _mkz : idem (if key_offline_outuvflux : use of velocities uz and vz in conservative flux form)
- nmloutput
: names of variables saved in the output file
- name_out_var : name of the variable var (h0,hx,u,uz,xe,vis2d,kz,tosx, etc..) saved in output file
- name_out_mhex; _mhey ; _mkz : idem (if key_offline_outuvflux : saving of velocities uz and vz in conservative flux form)
- l_maxu : .true. to compute the maximum current value
- nmlconvention
: convention for netCDF output
- riog_valid_min_XX : minimum valid value for the XX variable
- riog_valid_max_XX : maximum valid value for the XX variable
- cg_conv_XXX : attributes describing the netCDF output files
- nmladvtra
: parameters for advection/disperson sheme
- qmax : TVD scheme limiting parameter (modulate between upstream and quick advection schemes
- nmlthermo
: reference data for thermodynamic
- rhoref : reference sea water density
- saliref :initial value of the salinity field
- tetaref : initial value of the temperature field
- l_stateeq_lin : .true. in order for the state equation to be linearized
- saliref_lin : reference salinity used in the linear state equation.
- tetaref_lin : reference temperature used in the linear state equation.
- rhoair : air density in kg/m3
- chp : specific heat in J/kg/K
- coext : extinction coefficient
- nmlinterp
: data for time chronology
- perchrono : time step in the chronological outflow/discharge table (in hours).
- tobs : time step inbetween estimations of the CFL criterion (in hours)
- l_champroche : .true. for the near field advection/dispersion computation procedure based on a lagrangian method.
- nmlexpertonly
: specific data
- sflx_rad_maxdepth : maximum depth down to which the radiative flux gets into
- dt_minallow : minimum time step allowed for the simulation.
Includes the following sections :
- namdate : starting and ending simulation dates: (date_start, date_end)
- namhead : head file for the nested computation : (file_head, confname_mother, confname, suffix)
- nammeteoc : meteorological parameterization file: (l_meteo_stat, l_meteo_hom, wind_veloc, wind_dir, file_meteo)
- namtide : tidal spectrum, harmonic composition type: (l_tide_M2harm, l_tide_M2statcoef, tide_M2coef, file_tide_M2coef, file_tide_harmcp, l_tide_admittance, l_genpot)