When I type qstat, what do the letters R,H,Q,T mean?

example : qstat -u pgarreau


41797.service4 full_cpu0 pgarreau 00:05:22 R parallel256
41798.service4 full_cpu1 pgarreau 0 H sequentiel

41979 is the number of the job, full_cpu is the name of the job, pgarreau is the owner of the job, then there is the duration of the job, its state, and finaly the queue on which the job is running.

R : The job is running
H : The job (41798, full_cpu0) will start when the previous one will be finished (41797 full_cpu1)
T : The job is terminated</line>
E : The job is currently endding</line>
Q : The job is in the queue, waiting for available CPUS