Unknown file format (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code -51)

I try to visualize the output file of MARS in NetCDF format but I get this error :
NetCDF: Unknown file format (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code -51)
It is because you have run your job in MPI and asked each CPUs to write in a unique file. You need to upgrade your sofware of post-processing or use the tricks below.

3 possibilities
1/ If you run with MPI and if l_out_nc4par = .true. in your paraspec.txt, you write the results in parallel : each cpu writes its small part in a unique file.
If so, you do not have to gather disparate output files and you can launch the following command :
runmpi_connect toto champs 31 0 [$HOME]
Then you have to upgrade your software of visualization (Matlab 2011) or install Ferret, Python... with the libraries HDF5 and NetCDF4
Under Caparmor, to use python, ncdump, ferret, nciew, launch the following aliases :
* ncdump, ferret, ncview:alias modnc4 'module use /export/home13/previmer/op/bin/modules ; module load netcdf4 ; module load ferret ; module load nco-netcdf4'
* python : alias modpython 'module purge ; module use /home11/caparmor/mars/PYTHON/modulefiles ; module load cdat-git'
2/ You run with MPI and if l_out_nc4par = .true. and you transform your output file from netcdf4 format to netcdf3 format, with the following command :
nccopy -k classic netCDF4.nc netCDF3.nc
3/ You run with MPI and if l_out_nc4par = .false., each cpu writes its small output file and you have to gather all of them in a nc.all file (as V8.19)
Do not forget to gather the output files at the end of the run :
runmpi_connect toto champs 31 1 [$HOME]
None upgrade is required for the softwares of visualization