Setting up MARS environment¶
Local Setting up MARS environment¶
1. Environment variables and paths
If classical use : add following environment variables and paths in your .cshrc
setenv HOMEMARS /export/home11/mars/CODE_MARS/CODE_MARS_V9/V9.05/Mars_Agrif2
(Directory where is the reference code)
setenv UDIR /export/home/${USER}/MARS/MARS_CONFIG
setenv CDIR /export/home/${USER}/MARS/COMPILE_MARS
setenv RDIR /export/home/${USER}/MARS/RUN_MARS
alias getfile=‘$HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/getfile’
setenv extranet_login yours
(yours : Set your extranet_login name)
alias mkconfdir $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/mkconfdir_datarmor
alias mkconfdir_bisc $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/mkconfdir_datarmor_bisc
(list of useful commands to MARS setting up)
2. type : source .cshrc
3. create the 3 directories necessary for MARS environment :
- # UDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/MARS_CONFIG
- # CDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/COMPILE_MARS
- # RDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/RUN_MARS
- # if the reference MARS code is locally saved – (not for IFREMER users)
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/CODE_MARS
IFREMER users have no need to duplicate the code under their account
Bash setting up MARS environment (not on datarmor)¶
1. Environment variables and paths
If bash use create a new file (env_MARS_V9.05 for instance)
export HOMEMARS = (Directory where is the reference code)
export UDIR=/export/home/${USER}/MARS/MARS_CONFIG
export CDIR=/export/home/${USER}/MARS/COMPILE_MARS
export RDIR=/export/home/${USER}/MARS/RUN_MARS
alias mkconfdir=‘$HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/mkconfdir_linux’
alias getfile=‘$HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/getfile’
alias update=‘$HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MARSENV/update’
(list of useful commands to MARS setting up)
2. type : source env_MARS_V9.05
3. create the 3 directories necessary for MARS environment :
- # UDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/MARS_CONFIG
- # CDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/COMPILE_MARS
- # RDIR :
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/RUN_MARS
- # if the reference MARS code is locally saved – (not for IFREMER users)
mkdir /export/home/${USER}/MARS/CODE_MARS
Get the MARS3D code (not for datarmor users)¶
- Get the code from mars3d projet under forge with the following command :
svn --username $extranet_login export $HTTPSVNROOT/tags/V9.05**
vi Makefile.linux
- Important remarks :
- MARS requires fortran compiler, netcdf4 library (netcdf4 requires hdf5 and zlib librairies)
- MARS results are easily visualized with ferret (free) or matlab…
- Library NCO is useful for files management
FORTRAN compiler setting up¶
- Download free Intel Fortran compiler from
- register at « Free Non Commercial Download » to receive a number authorization by mail;
- choose ‘Intel Fortran Compiler Profressional Edition for linux’)
- Installation from file /export/home/l_fc_p_10.X.XXX.tar.gz
- If library stcd++ is missing : yum install
- Set compiler environment : source /opt/intel/fce/10.X.XXX/bin/ifortvars.csh
Netcdf4 setting up¶
We assume the netcdf4 library is installed under /export/home/logiciel/netcdf4
zlib library
- Create installation directory
cd export/home/logiciel/netcdf4 mkdir install cd install
- Download of zlib-1.2.5.tar from (get the sources and not the binaries)
- unzip :
bunzip2 zlib-1.2.5.tar.bz2 tar xvf zlib-1.2.5.tar
- Installation
+------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sequential or OMP purpose | MPI purpose | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module purge | Module purge | | module load intel-comp/11.1.073 | module load intel-comp/11.1.073 | | (path for intel fortran and "c++") | | | | module load intel-mpi/ (path mpi) | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/seq | export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/mpi | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/zlib-1.2.5 | cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/zlib-1.2.5 | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ./configure --prefix=$NC4DIR | /configure --prefix=$NC4DIR | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | make check install | make check install | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
hdf5 library
- Go to installation directory
cd export/home/logiciel/netcdf4/install (or create installation directory mkdir install cd install
- Download (get the sources and not the binaries)
- unzip
gunzip file tar xvf file
- Installation
+------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sequential or OMP purpose | MPI purpose | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module purge | Module purge | | module load gfortran | module load gfortran | | (path for fortran and "c++") | | | | module load gfortran-mpi (path mpi) | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/seq | export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/mpi | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/hdf5-1.8.6 | cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/hdf5-1.8.6 | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ./configure --prefix=$NC4DIR --with-zlib=$NC4DIR | ./configure --prefix=$NC4DIR --with-zlib=$NC4DIR | | --disable-shared CC=gcc CPP='''gcc -E''' | -disable-shared --enable-parallel CC=mpicc CPP='''mpicc -E''' | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | make | make | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | make install | make install | +------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
netcdf4 library
- Go to installation directory
cd export/home/logiciel/netcdf4/install (or create installation directory mkdir install cd install
- Download of netcdf-4.1.2.tar.gz from (get the sources and not the binaries)
- unzip
gunzip file tar xvf file
- Installation
sequential or OMP purpose MPI purpose Module purge module load gfortran (path for fortran and c++) Module purge module load gfortran
module load gfortran-mpi (path mpi)
export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/seq export NC4DIR=/export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/lib/mpi cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/netcdf-4.1.2 cd /export/home/logiciels/netcdf4/install/netcdf-4.1.2 export LDFLAGS=”-lm” (access to a mathematics library) ./configure –prefix=$NC4DIR –with-hdf5=$NC4DIR –with-zlib=$NC4DIR –enable-ncgen4 –enable-netcdf-4 –disable-shared –disable-cxx –disable-dap FC=gfortran CC=gcc CPP=’gcc -E’ ./configure –prefix=$NC4DIR –with-hdf5=$NC4DIR –with-zlib=$NC4DIR –enable-ncgen4 –enable-netcdf-4 –disable-shared –disable-cxx –disable-dap CPPFLAGS=’-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran’ FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc CPP=’mpicc -E’ make make make check install make check install
IO NETCDF library¶
Libionc4 is an interface between NetCDF4 and MARS (or other softwares). This library is developed by IFREMER/PHYSED and supplied with MARS under ‘$HOMEMARS/../LIB/libionc4’. It is a module of MARS software.(to be compiled only if used by software other than MARS)
- preparation
cd $HOMEMARS/../LIB/libionc4/src ln -s $HOMEMARS/INC/comionc4.F90 ln -s $HOMEMARS/PHYS/OUT/ionc4.F90
- install directorie
cd .. ./install.csh (2 directories are created intel-seq and intel-mpi; the will store the library and the include files)
- edit Makefile and modify
+-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sequential or OMP purpose | MPI purpose | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FC = ifort | FC = mpiifort | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CPPFLAGS = | CPPFLAGS = -Dkey_MPI_2D | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NETCDF4 = /home1/datarmor/rramel/netcdf4.1.2 | NETCDF4 = /home1/datarmor/rramel/netcdf4.1.2_par | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OUTDIR = ./intel-seq | OUTDIR = ./intel-mpi | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FFLAGS required compilation options | FFLAGS required compilation options | +-------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- create the library :
gmake clean gmakeLibrary libionc4.a is under $HOMEMARS/../LIB/libionc4/intel-XXX/libmodule files comionc4.mod and ionc4.mod are under $HOMEMARS/../LIB/libionc4/intel-XXX/inc
File connexion¶
This fortran code developed by IFREMER/PHYSED to gather MPI output files is supplied with MARS under $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/CONNECT
- cd $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/connect
- Modify the library paths in compile_cap
- Compile_cap
The connect.exe is created under the directory $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/connect. It will be automatically copied under $RDIR/CONF/CONF-CASE[/rank_X]
Domain cutting out executable (for MPI purpose)¶
This fortran code has been developed by IFREMER/RIC to divide the regional model in X sub-domains. It is available in $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MPI2D_DOMAIN
- Modify the library paths in makefile
- make
The ./run executable is created under the directory $HOMEMARS/../TOOLS/MPI2D_DOMAIN.
A user manual is available from
FERRET - NCO Tools - nedit editor¶
- Download files from
- Follow instructions of installation
NCO tools : yum install nco
nedit editor : yum install nedit