How to use CHAINOP with your own MARS RDIR ?¶
If you want to point to your own MARS RDIR, change runmars_dir in section directories:
#runmars_dir = '%(operational_dir)s/MARS/RUN_MARS/'
runmars_dir = 'your_own_RDIR'
In this case, you must copy:
your paracom.txt in paracom.txt.ref
your paramain.txt in paramain.txt.ref
your output.dat in output.dat.ref
your paraspec.txt in paraspec.txt.ref and paraspec.txt.init (if you plan to use option –init)
Because at each run, CHAINOP will systematically copy:
paracom.txt.ref in paracom.txt
paramain.txt.ref in paramain.txt
output.dat.ref in output.dat
paraspec.txt.ref or paraspec.txt.init (depending if you use option –init or not) in paraspec.txt
In your own inputs directory (for example MARS/RUN_MARS/MANGAE2500/inputs), make links between forcing files (meteo, river, wave, obc) and files generated by operational chain. For example: -> ~/CHAINOP/inputs/MANGAE2500-r1630/meteo/