.. _mars.rdir.rst: How to use CHAINOP with your own MARS RDIR ? ============================================= * If you want to point to your own MARS RDIR, change **runmars_dir** in section **directories**: :: [directories] #runmars_dir = '%(operational_dir)s/MARS/RUN_MARS/' runmars_dir = 'your_own_RDIR' * In this case, you must copy: * your **paracom.txt** in **paracom.txt.ref** * your **paramain.txt** in **paramain.txt.ref** * your **output.dat** in **output.dat.ref** * your **paraspec.txt** in **paraspec.txt.ref** and **paraspec.txt.init** (if you plan to use option **--init**) * Because at each run, CHAINOP will systematically copy: * **paracom.txt.ref** in **paracom.txt** * **paramain.txt.ref** in **paramain.txt** * **output.dat.ref** in **output.dat** * **paraspec.txt.ref** or **paraspec.txt.init** (depending if you use option **--init** or not) in **paraspec.txt** * In your own **inputs** directory (for example MARS/RUN_MARS/MANGAE2500/inputs), make links between forcing files (meteo, river, wave, obc) and files generated by operational chain. For example: :: mangae_meteo.nc -> ~/CHAINOP/inputs/MANGAE2500-r1630/meteo/mangae_meteo.nc