MARS hindcast (new option –replay, from far better than –step!)¶
For MARS hindcast, option –replay allows to make runs by block. You must specify the number of days for each block run_duration, the date start date_start and date end date_end.
To make MARS hindcast from 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2014, with block every 30 days, add replay section in your configuration file :
# Section replay
# Configuration des rejeux
active = False
date_start = '2013-01-01,00:00'
date_end = '2014-01-01,00:00'
run_duration = 30
reference_config = 'config_mangae.cfg'
relaunch_cmd = 'launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg --replay'
final_treatment = 'finalize'
Take care to have the same config file name in reference_config and relaunch_cmd !
To launch MARS hindcast :
launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg --replay
All treatments of the first block (1/01/2013-31/01/2013) are launched
To follow if the run is OK
check if sections are OK in configuration file f1-mangae.xml
in case of problem, check the log files ./logs/MANGAE2500-r1630/20140101_20140131/*.log
If first block is OK
Configuration file for this first block will be copied in ./logs/MANGAE2500-r1630/20130101_20130131/f1-mangae.xml, there is one log directory for each block
Output files: MARS results will be in results directory ./res/MANGAE2500-r1630/PREVIMER_F1-MARS3D-MANGAE2500/20130101_20130131, there is one results directory for each block
At the end of first block, date_start is automatically change in configuration file, and second block starts:
date_start = '2013-01-31,00:00'
After second block, third block starts…and so on…until end date
To know in which block run is, just check head of configuration file :
Run from 2013-01-01 00:00:00 to 2013-01-31 00:00:00
By default, saverestart_step is at 1 in paraspec.txt.ref. Do not forget to change it for long hindcast ! You can for example give the value of run_duration
saverestart_step = 30.0
Jobs specified in treatments section are launched.
If treatments section is:
list = ['meteo', 'obc', 'river', 'rank_0', 'rank_1', 'format_oco','demerliac','mirror_copy','finalize']
Jobs that are launched are:
meteo : Preparation of meteorological forcings for ranks 0 & 1
obc : Preparation of open boundaries conditions
river : Preparation of river forcings
rank_0 : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 0
rank_1 : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 1
format_oco : Format rank 1 outputs to OCO norm
demerliac : Demerliac filtering of hourly data
mirror_copy : Copy results files to mirror directory
finalize : Finalize the operational execution