.. _mars.hindcast-replay.rst: MARS hindcast (new option **--replay**, from far better than **--step**!) ========================================================================= * For MARS hindcast, option **--replay** allows to make runs by block. You must specify the number of days for each block **run_duration**, the date start **date_start** and date end **date_end**. * To make MARS hindcast from 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2014, with block every 30 days, add **replay** section in your configuration file : :: #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Section replay # Configuration des rejeux #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [replay] active = False date_start = '2013-01-01,00:00' date_end = '2014-01-01,00:00' run_duration = 30 reference_config = 'config_mangae.cfg' relaunch_cmd = 'launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg --replay' final_treatment = 'finalize' .. warning:: Take care to have the same config file name in **reference_config** and **relaunch_cmd** ! * To launch MARS hindcast : :: launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg --replay * All treatments of the first block (1/01/2013-31/01/2013) are launched * To follow if the run is OK * check if sections are **OK** in configuration file **f1-mangae.xml** * in case of problem, check the log files **./logs/MANGAE2500-r1630/20140101_20140131/*.log** * If first block is OK * Configuration file for this first block will be copied in **./logs/MANGAE2500-r1630/20130101_20130131/f1-mangae.xml**, there is one log directory for each block * Output files: MARS results will be in results directory **./res/MANGAE2500-r1630/PREVIMER_F1-MARS3D-MANGAE2500/20130101_20130131**, there is one results directory for each block * At the end of first block, **date_start** is automatically change in configuration file, and second block starts: :: date_start = '2013-01-31,00:00' * After second block, third block starts...and so on...until end date * To know in which block run is, just check head of configuration file : :: Run from 2013-01-01 00:00:00 to 2013-01-31 00:00:00 .. warning:: By default, **saverestart_step** is at 1 in **paraspec.txt.ref**. Do not forget to change it for long hindcast ! You can for example give the value of **run_duration** :: [[[paraspec]]] saverestart_step = 30.0 * Jobs specified in **treatments** section are launched. If **treatments** section is: :: [treatments] list = ['meteo', 'obc', 'river', 'rank_0', 'rank_1', 'format_oco','demerliac','mirror_copy','finalize'] Jobs that are launched are: * **meteo** : Preparation of meteorological forcings for ranks 0 & 1 * **obc** : Preparation of open boundaries conditions * **river** : Preparation of river forcings * **rank_0** : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 0 * **rank_1** : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 1 * **format_oco** : Format rank 1 outputs to OCO norm * **demerliac** : Demerliac filtering of hourly data * **mirror_copy** : Copy results files to mirror directory * **finalize** : Finalize the operational execution