Use on Datarmor¶
recall for dummies...
- 1 b = 1 bit
- 1 o = 1 octet = 8 bit = 1 B = 1 Byte
- 1 Go = 1024 Mo
Basic environnement on Datarmor (disks)¶
Environment variables :
- $HOSTNAME : noeud de login (datarmor0-3)
- $HOME : /homeX/datahome/userlogin (50 GO with daily backup)
- $DATAWORK : /homeX/datawork/userlogin (1 TO no backup)
- $SCRATCH : /homeX/scratch/userlogin (10 TO no backup)
Répertoire visible par tout le monde (depuis Datarmor) :
- /scratch/tmp (contenu effacé au bout de 15 jours)
Disk quotas
How to change the permissions for datawork so that people can access (read only) my data
chmod g+rx $DATAWORK
chmod o+rx $DATAWORK
chmod g+rx $HOME
HOW TO USE PBS commands¶
to watch your job:
qstat -u user
Use qstat -q to see the full list of the queue
type of the job | queue name | nb of nodes | max nb of cpus | elapsed time |
None | seq | 1 | 1 | 180h |
OMP | omp | 1 | 28 | 72h |
MPI / hybrid | mpi_1 | 1 | 28 | 48h |
MPI / hybrid | mpi_2 | 2 | 56 | 48h |
MPI / hybrid | mpi_X | X | X*28 | 48h |
MPI / hybrid | mpi_18 | X | 504 | 48h |
XXXXXX | short | X | ? | 0h05 |
MPI / hybrid | big | 19-36 | 532-1008 | 24h |
To see the status of your job use
qstat -f job_id
To submit a job from a shell script you should do this
qsub batch_shell
Your batch_shell should look like this
#PBS -q mpi_X
#PBS -l select=X:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=14:ompthreads=2
#PBS -l mem=10G
#PBS -l walltime=HH:MM:SS
#PBS -N name_of_your_job
time mpirun mars.exe >& output
Actually you can choose the number of cores you want to use only in the “omp” queue. For “mpi_X”, queues you must use a multiple of 28 cores
-q: specify the name of the queue according to the number of cpus you want to use:
-q queue_nameselect: number of nodes (one = 28 ncpus)
ncpus: number of total cores used per node = 28 max
mpiprocs: number of mpi cores per node
ncpus and mpiprocs are defined only once and will be apply for each node
ompthreads: number of omp threads per node
ncpus must be equal to mpiprocs*ompthreads
- In case you dont set the ompthreads variable the number of OMP_THREADS is automatically calculted (28 / mpiprocs)
- In cas of OMP run only you could use the OMP queue and use less than 28 threads one the node : You have to set ncpus=8 (if you want 8 threads for example)
Methodology to launch batch on Datarmor¶
Sequential case¶
Just set the memory and the walltime of your job
#PBS -l mem=1g
#PBS -l walltime=HH:MM:00
OMP ONLY case¶
Set the number of threads (YY) you want to use
#PBS -q omp
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=YY:mem=5gb
#PBS -l walltime=HH:MM:00
And you must add
OMP options:
setenv OMP_SCHEDULE "dynamic,1"
MPI ONLY case¶
Set the number of nodes (NN) given the number of MPI procs you want to use
#PBS -q mpi_NN
#PBS -l mem=6gb
#PBS -l walltime=HH:MM:00
You then will use NN*28 MPI procs
HYBRID case¶
- Choose the number of cores you want. Distribute them on different nodes knowing the number of cores used in total is X nodes * 28 ncpus.
- Then split the numbers of mpi cores and threads. For all node, ncpus = mpiprocs x ompthreads=28
Here is an example with 2 nodes in total, different ways
#PBS -q mpi_2 #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=1:ompthreads=28 | 1 MPI & 28 OMP_THREADS per node = 2 MPI * 28 OMP at all #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=14 | 2 MPI & 14 OMP_THREADS per node = 4 MPI * 14 OMP at all #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=4:ompthreads=7 | 4 MPI & 7 OMP_THREADS per node = 8 MPI * 7 OMP at all #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=7:ompthreads=4 | 7 MPI & 4 OMP_THREADS per node = 14 MPI * 4 OMP at all #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=14:ompthreads=2 | 14 MPI & 2 OMP_THREADS per node = 28 MPI * 2 OMP at all
And you must add
OMP options:
setenv OMP_SCHEDULE "dynamic,1"
some examples of batch are provided here
Executable and input files are copied under $SCRATCH directory with the same arborescence as under datawork + .$PBS_JOBID
The data are saved for 15 days under $SCRATCH.
After each run, the simulated data are copied back to datawork except if you use qsub batch_xxx_no_scratch_back
It is possible not to use $SCRACTH from the command qsub batch_no_scratch but the performances are not known yet.
Infos en vrac¶
- Benchmarks tunés par SGI sous /mnt/data/home/datarmor/SGI-IFREMERII_Application_src_and_logs/