Meteo forcing configuration¶
Access to meteorological data is allowed for IFREMER research only (research convention Ifremer/Meteo-France 2015). For any other applications, please fill the Meteo-France form
, and send it to to have Meteo-France authorization to access to meteorological data.
To generate meteo forcing from 01/01/2014 to 05/01/2014, run treatment meteo:
launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg -s 2014-01-01,00:00 -e 2014-01-05,00:00 --only meteo
Output file: ./inputs/MANGAE2500-r1630/meteo/, be careful for size with arome : 1,5Go for only 5 days !
Configuration is precised in configuration file config_mangae.cfg, Section meteo
# Section meteo
# Préparation des forçages météorologiques
# Entrées disponibles :
# depend : liste contenant les noms des traitements dont dépend le traitement courant, liste vide si aucune dépendance
# description : description du traitement (récupéré via l'option --list du script
# name : nom du job soumis sur le calculateur (!!!! ne pas dépasser 15 caractères !!!)
# launch : procédure de lancement associée
# function : fonction de préparation des données météorologiques (�| choisir parmi 'prepare' ,'combine' ou 'fusion')
# startshift : optionnel, réél indiquant le décalage en jours du début du traitement par rapport �| la date de démarrage de référence
# lon_to_ni : optionnel, logique permettant d'activer le renommage des dimensions (considéré comme False si absent)
# Sous-sections :
# arguments : sous-section contenant les arguments optionnels de la fonction 'function'
depend = []
description = 'Preparation of meteorological forcings for ranks 0 & 1'
name = 'mang25_meteo'
launch = 'tools.meteo.launch_meteo'
lon_to_ni = False
startshift = -1.0
function = 'prepare'
model = 'arpegeHR'
lonmin = -21
lonmax = 16
latmin = 39
latmax = 66
out = ''
starshift: optional, shift in days from start date (in the example, output will start from 31/12/2013 instead of 01/01/2014)
- function: function of preparation of meteorological data, choose between prepare combine fusion
prepare: standard preparation of meteorological data (model meteo precised in model)
combine: processing of meteorological data using temporal combination of different models (precised in models)
fusion: processing of meteorological data using spatial and temporal fusion of different data set (precised in models)
For more details on meteorological data preparation, refer to detailed documentation ( Dossier de spécifications 3.1.2 Préparation des données météorologiques.
If you chose different models (for function ‘combine’ or ‘fusion’)
#function = 'prepare'
#model = 'arpegeHR'
To take into account atmospheric fluxes, add flux=True:
model = 'arpegeHR'
flux = True
In case of generation of very big files, the job on Caparmor can have not enough memory; in this case add in the configuration file memory=’22Gb’ just after the function name:
Option : you can select the variables you want in your output file (think of the output size !). Otherwise, all available variables will be in your output file.
function = 'prepare'
model = 'arpegeHR'
variables = ['pmer','u10m','v10m']
- For variables you can choose between:
‘u10m’: eastward wind (Composante U du vent horizontal)
‘v10m’: northward wind (Composante V du vent horizontal)
‘rh’: relative humidity (Humidite relative fraction a 2m)
‘t2m’: temperature
‘fcc’: cloud area fraction (Nebulosite totale fraction)
‘pmer’: air pressure at sea level (Pression)
‘ustress’: surface downward eastward stress (Composante zonale du vecteur de stress en surface)
‘vstress’: surface downward northward stress (Composante meridienne du vecteur de stress en surface)
- For meteorological model, you can choose between:
Model name and parameter |
Resolution |
Extension (°) |
Start date |
End date |
Variables |
Aladin |
aladin |
3h |
0.1° |
-11 14 35 55 |
1997-07-03 |
2012-03-29 |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer |
Arpege |
arpege |
6h |
0.5° |
-20 37 30 65 |
2006-03-20 |
2013-12-07 |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer |
Arpege HR |
arpegeHR |
1h |
0.1° |
-32 37 30 66.5 |
2011-11-24 |
now |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer |
Arome V1 |
arome_v1 |
1h |
0.025° |
-6 10.5 41 51.5 |
2008-12-18 |
2011-10-12 |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer |
Arome V2 |
arome |
1h |
0.025° |
-8 12 38 53 |
2011-10-12 |
now |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer |
CEP V1 |
6h |
0.5° |
-180 180 -88 88 |
2009-05-14 |
2013-02-09 |
u10m v10m |
CEP V2 |
cep |
3h |
0.125 |
-180 179.875 -88 88 |
2012-02-13 |
now |
u10m v10m |
CEP Europe V1 |
cep_europe |
6h |
0.5° |
-20 37 30 56 |
2010-02-11 |
2013-02-09 |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc |
CEP Europe V2 |
cep_europe_v2 |
3h |
0.125° |
-20 37 30 65 |
2012-02-13 |
now |
u10m v10m rh t2m fcc pmer ustress vstress |