Configuration file (.cfg) and dependencies¶
Configuration file is the only file you will have to modify, this file contains all the treatments.
Configuration file for MANGAE2500 : config_mangae.cfg
Configuration file for MENOR1200 : config_menor.cfg
Configuration file for MANGAE4000 with turbidity : config_turb.cfg
NEVER USE config_mangae_operationnel.cfg, config_menor_operationnel.cfg or config_turb_operationnel.cfg : only for operational purpose !

To have the treatments list:
launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg --list
Available treatments
meteo : Preparation of meteorological forcings for ranks 0 & 1
obc : Preparation of open boundaries conditions
river : Preparation of river forcings
rank_0 : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 0
rank_1 : MANGAE config, run Mars rank 1
format_oco : Format rank 1 outputs to OCO norm
demerliac : Demerliac filtering of hourly data
mirror_copy : Copy results files to mirror directory
finalize : Finalize the operational execution
Treatments are specified in configuration file, section treatments:
list = ['meteo', 'obc', 'river', 'rank_0', 'rank_1', 'format_oco','demerliac','mirror_copy','finalize']
They are dependencies between treatments. For example, rank_0 needs meteo, obc, river and rank_0 results. This is specified in configuration file:
depend = ['meteo','obc','river','rank_0']
rank_1 will start only when jobs it depends from are finished and OK.
Be careful with dependencies if you switch off a treatment. For example, in configuration file:
demerliac depends from format_oco
mirror_copy depends from demerliac
finalize depends from mirror_copy
If you want to switch off demerliac and mirror_copy (deleting from treatments) you must think of making finalize depend from format_oco
#list = ['meteo', 'obc', 'river', 'rank_0', 'rank_1', 'format_oco','demerliac','mirror_copy','finalize']
list = ['meteo', 'obc', 'river', 'rank_0', 'rank_1', 'format_oco','finalize']
#depend = ['mirror_copy']
depend = ['format_oco']
If you want to launch a treatment, without taking into account dependencies, use option –force:
launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg -s 2014-01-03,00:00 -e 2014-01-04,00:00 --only rank_0 --force