.. _doc.meteor.reaclimit: Modulation of reaction kinetics in module MET&OR -------------------------------------------------- .. _f_arrhenius: Kinetic Modulation with Temperature (Arrhenius function) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Arrhenius law corrects the kinetics of the reaction as a function of temperature. User can choose between two different types: * **First Law called** :math:`\theta` | :math:`\mu_{T}=\mu_{T_{ref}} F_{Temp}` | :math:`F_{Temp}=\theta^{\frac{(T_T-{ref})}{\zeta}}` | avec : * :math:`T_{ref}` : reference temperature * :math:`\mu_{T_{ref}}` : kinetic max at reference temperature * :math:`T` : temperature at time t * :math:`\theta` : correction coefficient * :math:`\zeta` = 1 or 10 depending on law. | For chemical reactions, the law is often used with :math:`\zeta= 1` and :math:`T_{ref}` = 15 degC or 20 degC. | For biological reactions, the dependence is reported in terms of :math:`Q_{10}` which represents the ratio between reaction rates at 20 degC and at 10 degC; :math:`\theta` is then set equal to :math:`Q_{10}`, and :math:`\zeta` is equal to 10. * **Second Law called exponential law** | :math:`\mu_{T}=\mu_{T_{ref}} F_{Temp}` | :math:`F_{Temp}=\theta e^{-(\frac{(T_T-{ref})}{\sigma})^2}` | avec : * :math:`T_{ref}` : reference temperature * :math:`\mu_{T_{ref}}` : kinetic max at reference temperature * :math:`T` : temperature at time t * :math:`\sigma` : deviation * :math:`\theta` = 1 .. _f_limiting: Kinetic Limitation with a Monod function or an inhibiting function or with light radiation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | These two functions vary according to the concentration of the limiting variable. | | | | | .. image:: FIG/METEOR/meteor_Flim_exple.jpg | | | For type **Monod function** : :math:`F_{L}` approaches 0, if the concentration is less than Ks | | | | The reaction does not occur or is reduced if the limiting variable is in low concentration. | | | | | | | | For type **Inhibit function**, the higher the concentration of the limiting variable becomes, | | | | the lower the reaction may develop. It is at full speed if the concentration is zero. | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | .. image:: FIG/METEOR/meteor_Fextinct_exple.jpg | | | The third limiting function is a **function of light**, | | | | It decreases with the depth according to an exponential law with an extinction coefficient | | | | (here :math:`\chi=0.1` ) | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ * **Kinetic Limitation with a Monod** | :math:`F_{L1}=\frac{C_{lim}}{C_{lim}+K_s}` | avec : * :math:`F_{L1}` : Limiting function (type 1 : Monod), [between 0 and 1 ] * :math:`C_{lim}` : Limiting concentration corresponding to this function and one reaction * :math:`K_s` : Half saturation constant * **Kinetic Limitation with an inhibiting function** | :math:`F_{L2}=\frac{K_s}{C_{lim}+K_s}` | avec : * :math:`F_{L2}` : Limiting function (type 2 : Inhibit), [between 0 and 1 ] * :math:`C_{lim}` : Limiting concentration corresponding to this function and one reaction * :math:`K_s` : Half saturation constant * **Kinetic Limitation with light radiation** | :math:`F_{L3}=e^{-a \chi z}` | avec : * :math:`F_{L3}` : Limiting function (type 3 : Extinction), [between 0 and 1 ] * :math:`a` : parameter corresponding to this function and one reaction * :math:`\chi` : extinction coefficient * :math:`z` : depth