.. _doc.coupling.xios: **XIOS Library : XML-IO-SERVER** ================================= **General presentation** ------------------------ XIOS is library designed to manage NETCDF outputs of climate models. It has been developped by Yann Meurdesoif at IPSL (https://www.ipsl.fr/) Main features : * Management of output diagnostic and history file * Temporal post-processing operation (averaging,min/max,instant,cumul) * Spatial post-processing operation (arithmetic operation, regridding) Main advantages : * Simplification of the IO management into the code * output a field require only an identifier and the data * Outsourcing the output definition in an XML file * Changing IO definitions without recompiling * Performances : * Simultaneaous writing and computing by asynchronous call * Use one or more **server** processes dedicated to IO management * Use of parallel file system ability of NETCDF4-HDF5 format **Downloading** ---------------- The code has been downloaded from the official repository : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver A general presentation is available here : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/XIOS_IO_Workshop_Hamburg.pdf You can read both `UserGuide`_ and `ReferenceGuide`_ to know more about XIOS .. _UserGuide : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/XIOS_user_guide.pdf .. _ReferenceGuide : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/XIOS_reference_guide.pdf .. note:: The version implemented in MARS is **XIOS-2.0** that you can download here `XIOS2`_ .. _XIOS2 : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/changeset/1560/XIOS/branchs/xios-2.0?old_path=%2F&format=zip **Compilation** ---------------- XIOS has been compiled on Datarmor with *NETCDF/* library :: cd /home/datawork-mars/TOOLS/XIOS svn co http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/svn/XIOS/branchs/xios-2.0 # Available compilation options/mode ./make_xios --help (or ./make_xios -h) ; # Available architectures/machines ./make_xios –avail ; # What does an arch configuration file look like ? cat arch/arch_DATARMOR.* # Compilation (for example Datarmor) ./make_xios --prod --arch DATARMOR --job 4 # Check that libxios.a and executable file exists. ls bin/xios_server.exe lib/libxios.a .. warning :: The library must be compiled with the same version of the compiler used for the model *Test using XIOS tutorial* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **XIOS in the framework of MARS** --------------------------------- The principle is that XIOS replaces classic managment of outputs (*output_mng*) in MARS code #. Implementation in MARS source code Here is a brief description on how XIOS has been implemented in MARS * Environment and activation * First in *makefile* the **XIOS='USE'** flag has to be activated. This allow to copy **xios_server.exe** and all *xml* templates in $RDIR * In *Makefile* * Add cppkey **-Dkey_xios** to activate this functionality * Be sure the **XIOS** directory is correct :: XIOS =/home/datawork-mars/TOOLS/XIOS/LIB/trunk/ * Impact on the source code * The module **xios_module.F90** is the main routine which contains : * A subroutine **init_xios** to initialise MPI communicator, the grids (both horizontal and vertical) and the calendar * A subroutine named **send_xios_diag** which is the one called at each time step and which send to **XIOS** the variables to write. All variables are being send in the source code and the user can choose its own outputs in XML files at execution (see `xml`_) * In **main.F90** a call of **xios_init** is made at the beginning * In **step.F90** the call of **output_mng** is replaced by **xios_send_diag** .. note :: Restart files are not yet managed by XIOS 2. XML inputs files Three inputs files are used for XIOS : * The main one is **iodef.xml** which includes the 2 followings * it contains a *context* for MARS in which is included grid, variables and file definitions * Another *context* is used for XIOS parameters (buffer size, info level, print to file and the use of **server** mode * The second one is **field_def.xml** * There you can define one or several *field_group* containing the variables you want in your output * Here variables have been grouped by grid or by features (ex turbulence) * The last one is **file_def.xml** * There you can custom your own output file with the variables in **field_def.xml** * You can add as many files as you want .. _xml: 3. How to launch it on Datarmor * In you MPI shell script you should add XIOS :: #PBS -q mpi_1 #PBS -l mem=6gb #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 #submit job date echo "submit MPI job with $NETCDF_MODULE " setenv mpiproc `cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l` echo Number of MPI cpus : $mpiproc time $MPI_LAUNCH -np 26 ./mars_exe.$NETCDF_MODULE : -np 2 xios_server.exe>& mars_mpi.out date * XIOS on multiples Nodes: to ensure correct balance, **xios_server** must be dispatch on each node :: #PBS -q mpi_2 time $MPI_LAUNCH -np 27 ./mars_exe.$NETCDF_MODULE : -np 1 xios_server.exe time $MPI_LAUNCH -np 27 ./mars_exe.$NETCDF_MODULE : -np 1 xios_server.exe >& mars_mpi.out or try to overcharge it :: #PBS -q mpi_2 #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=28:mpiprocs=29 time $MPI_LAUNCH -np 28 ./mars_exe.$NETCDF_MODULE : -np 1 xios_server.exe time $MPI_LAUNCH -np 28 ./mars_exe.$NETCDF_MODULE : -np 1 xios_server.exe >& mars_mpi.out