.. _forcing.river.example: River forcing example ===================== To generate river forcings from 01/01/2014 to 05/01/2014, run treatment **river**: :: launch_mangae config_mangae.cfg -s 2014-01-01,00:00 -e 2014-01-05,00:00 --only river * To follow if the run is OK * check if **river** is **OK** in **f1-mangae.xml** * in case of problem, check the log file **./logs/MANGAE2500-r1630/20140101_20140105/river.log** * Output files are in **./inputs/MANGAE2500-r1630/river** :: service7>466% ls adour_luy-st-pandoleon.dat escaut.dat gave_pau-berenx.dat nive.dat seine.dat adour_st-vincent-paul.dat garonne.dat loire.dat restart_river.txt thames.dat dordogne.dat gave_oloron-escos.dat meuse.dat rhin.dat vilaine.dat